"Mi historia es otra historia más, tan sencilla y delicada como la de cualquier otro inmigrante italiano. Pero con tantas ansias de superación que es lo que termina por diferenciar a unos de otros y con la satisfacción de haberlo logrado. No por el reconocimiento público, ni por la superación al semejante, sino por la superación a sí mismo. Me daré por satisfecho si puedo dejar en claro que me he superado porque así lo siento cada mañana y cada noche y sigo intentando hacerlo día a día" (Miguel Bornaschella).
"La vida me tenía reservada su confianza para llevar a cabo este relato. No solo eso, sino la oportunidad para repreguntar, el espacio necesario que me ha dado para poder inmiscuirme en sus sentimientos y poder conocer no solo lo necesario sino todo lo que la curiosidad demandaba para completar el panorama. Gracias a unas y otras he podido situar ante mis ojos una historia tan emocionante que no creo que la pluma tenga la habilidad de detallar con la fidelidad necesaria" (Alberto Miramontes).
"The story of my life is simple. So simple and moving like the ones of any other Italian immigrant. But the great desire and will to outdo oneself is what makes the difference between one and other, and I feel I have the satisfaction of having achieved my aims. Neither because I have had some public recognition nor because I got over my fellows, but because I overcame myself. I will feel actually satisfied if I can make people understand that I overcame myself because this is how I feel like every morning and every night. And I still go on trying to do so day after day" (Miguel Bornaschella).
"I met Miguel twenty years ago and he has always been good at re-telling anecdotes and stories. Most of them have been written here. Then I have pictured, no doubt, a very moving story. And as time went by, he trusted me to carry out this historical and personal account. He also gave me the chance to ask him again and once more, he gave me the necessary space to intrude on his privacy, his feelings and know much more than what was needed but all that my curiosity required to get a comprehensive view. Thanks to all this I have been able to picture before my eyes a story so moving that I am not sure my pen will be able to provide an accurate description" (Alberto Miramontes).