Probably, the whole of classical philosophy is saturated with uncertainty, in fact, everything is simple, there are emotional people and there are unemotional people. Some emotional people do not know what to do with their emotions, suppress them, nullify or implement, and if suppress or implement, then how to do it without any negative consequences in the future. According to the author, these are in most cases those who grew up in an incomplete or in a so-called dysfunctional family.
They say that what is called problems appears because of the lack of necessary information. Dedicated to those who grew up in an incomplete or in the so-called dysfunctional family…
Some do not take into account the fact that a person’s presence of what is called instincts and emotions, genetics and hormones makes his behavior partially or completely predictable. In this connection, some of these same people may not know how to correctly in the generally accepted sense of the word, respond to a particular situation, may not know the objective motivation of others in relation to them, not know what is true and what is fiction, how to understand it correctly what is happening