Shirl Henke

Список книг автора Shirl Henke

    Sneak And Rescue

    Shirl Henke

    Experience the thrill of life on the edge and set your adrenalin pumping! These gripping stories see heroic characters fight for survival and find love in the face of danger.A red-hot assignment… Toting a gun and loaded makeup case, retrieval specialist Samantha Ballanger distracted her enemies with disguises and disarmed them with a swift kick. Hired to find a missing teen, Sam became the bull’s-eye in a ruthless target practice – and soon suspected she’d been hired under false pretences. She couldn’t in good conscience bring the teen back.But with her hunky but overprotective husband, it would take some sneaky moves to uncover a dangerous evidence trail and a truth that was stranger than she could ever have imagined…

    Finders Keepers

    Shirl Henke

    $10k is on the line. So is her reputation. And retrieval specialist Samantha Ballanger is about to risk it all.For a retrieval pro like Sam, extracting a deluded cult member and transporting him across the country should be a piece of cake. Right? Too bad the people who hired her to snatch Matt Granger left out a few vital details. Such as that Matt was a total babe–and irresistibly charming. And he was an undercover reporter on the verge of nailing a reputed Russian mob boss. With bullets flying, it was all Sam could do to keep her quarry safe and her professional reputation intact. Because if they survived, she might just want to keep Matt for herself!