Tessa McDermid

Список книг автора Tessa McDermid

    Family Stories

    Tessa McDermid

    Why do some marriages last for decades, while others barely make it past the wedding?Frank and Marian Robertson would tell you there's no easy answer. Love, yes, but more than that–a willingness to be guided by love, to be changed by it…If Frank and Marian have a secret, that's it.When they met in 1929, they realized they were destined to spend the rest of their lives together. However, wanting a life together and making one are two different things. And the obstacles they faced–parental disapproval, even tragedy–sometimes seemed too much to bear. But through it all, Frank and Marian shared a love that's lasted, a love that affects everyone in their family, right down to their great-granddaughter Hannah. She's busy planning their seventy-fifth wedding anniversary, and is doing some digging into her family's past, her family's stories. Stories that explain what shaped her family…

    Weddings in the Family

    Tessa McDermid

    Caroline Eddington faces a difficult decision. On the eve of her daughter's wedding, Caroline admits that her marriage to Nick could be over. The timing couldn't be worse, yet with an empty nest looming their problems seem bigger than ever. Still, something holds her back–something as simple as love.Remembering their own vows, their hope, Caroline knows Nick's been there through the good and the bad. But is that enough? Or have they grown so far apart, love alone can't bring them together again?