Lindsay Longford

Список книг автора Lindsay Longford

    Dark Moon

    Lindsay Longford

    Two against the worldHoping to shake the evil that had been haunting him, Ryder Hayes escaped to the town he'd once called home…only to find that the terror had followed him. His only hope was Josie Birdsong Conrad. This beautiful woman unknowingly held the psychic power he needed to defeat the madness he had accidentally unleashed upon the world.But Josie was fighting demons of her own. Her beloved only child had disappeared–abducted without a clue. She could sense the danger that surrounded Ryder…inexplicably attracting her, and confusing her. Was he the man who could help save her child? Or was Ryder the ultimate danger in disguise?

    Lover In The Shadows

    Lindsay Longford

    Guilty as sin?Had she gone mad? Molly Harris had woken at the break of dawn lying on the kitchen floor, clutching a bloody knife with no memory of how she'd gotten there. Now Detective John Harlan was at her door, and he was looking for answers. Compelling, mysterious, John was like no man she'd ever known–there was something haunting behind those dark glasses….The two of them had been brought together by the murder of Molly's parents, and now the death of her ex-maid. As suspicion wrapped around her, so did John–tailing her every move. Could he see through the darkness and discover whether this fragile lady was a cold-blooded killer or a victim of circumstance?

    Dead Calm

    Lindsay Longford

    Detective Judah Finnegan didn't believe in happy endings – too many years fighting crime had left him cynical. But when the discovery of an abandoned baby brought him back into the arms of his lost love, he realized he would have to find a new way of looking at the world or risk losing the woman of his dreams. Dr. Sophie Brennan had always been able to see through Judah's bitterness into the loner's heart, but she could never convince him that he was worthy of love.As they worked to save the baby, they tried to stay out of each other's arms, but their old passion was too powerful to resist. Could their love survive a second chance?