Lyman Frank Baum

Список книг автора Lyman Frank Baum

    El Mago de Oz

    Lyman Frank Baum

    The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

    Lyman Frank Baum

    Dorothy is a young girl who lives with her Aunt Em, Uncle Henry, and dog, Toto, on a farm on the Kansas prairie. One day, she and Toto are caught up in a cyclone that deposits them and the farmhouse into Munchkin Country in the magical Land of Oz. The falling house has killed the Wicked Witch of the East, the evil ruler of the Munchkins. The Good Witch of the North arrives with three grateful Munchkins and gives Dorothy the magical silver shoes that once belonged to the Wicked Witch. The Good Witch tells Dorothy that the only way she can return home is to follow the yellow brick road to the Emerald City and ask the great and powerful Wizard of Oz to help her.  One of the best-known stories in American literature. The Library of Congress has declared it «America's greatest and best-loved homegrown fairytale.»

    El Mago de Oz

    Lyman Frank Baum

    Dorothy, el Hombre de Hojalata, el Espantapájaros y el León Cobarde emprenden un viaje en busca del Mago de Oz, para que les dé lo que creen necesitar: volver a casa, un cerebro, un corazón y valentía. Pero en el camino, descubrirán algo realmente importante: el poder de la amistad. Todos los chicos reconocen los personajes de El Mago de Oz, pero pocos han leído esta maravillosa novela que habla de un mundo donde todo es posible, y cuyo valor literario la hace imprescindible en la formación de los pequeños lectores.

    The Tin Woodman of Oz

    Lyman Frank Baum

    The Tin Woodman of Oz – Lyman Frank Baum – This is the twelfth book in The Oz Series by L. Frank Baum. The Tin Woodman, whose real name is Nick Chopper, is unexpectedly reunited with the Munchkin Girl he had courted before he became a tin man. Sadly, she has a new love and no longer cares for him. As he attempts to regain her affection, Nick discovers a fellow tin man, Captain Fyter, as well as a Frankenstein monster-like creature, Chopfyt, made from their combined parts by the tinsmith, Ku-Klip.

    El meravellós Màgic d'Oz

    Lyman Frank Baum

    La Dorothy vivia a Kansas amb els seus oncles. Un dia que va arribar un huracà, la nena va sortir a buscar el seu gosset, que es deia Toto, i no va arribar a temps al soterrani on els seus oncles ja shavien refugiat. La Dorothy es va tancar a casa amb el Toto, però el vent va bufar amb tanta força que la casa es va desenganxar de terra i va volar cel enllà.