Saint Teresa of Avila

Список книг автора Saint Teresa of Avila

    The Interior Castle

    Saint Teresa of Avila

    Originally written in Spanish by Saint Teresa of Ávila in 1577, «El Castillo Interior» or «The Interior Castle» is a guide for spiritual development through service and prayer. Saint Teresa began writing «The Interior Castle» on June 2, 1577, Trinity Sunday, and completed it on the eve of St. Andrew's Day, November 29, 1577. Between these two dates her writing was interrupted for five months however, thus the actual total time she spent writing the work was approximately twenty-eight days. This work in conjunction with and «The Way of Perfection» can be seen as practical guides for «seekers» who want to really understand prayer as mystical union with God. «The Interior Castle» is divided into seven mansions, each level describing a step to get closer to God. A classic work of Christian mysticism which is an integral part of Spanish Renaissance literature, «The Interior Castle» is considered Saint Teresa of Ávila's seminal work.

    The Interior Castle

    Saint Teresa of Avila

    Published posthumously in 1588, “The Interior Castle” was written over several weeks in 1577 by Saint Teresa of Avila, a prominent 16th century Spanish mystic, Carmelite nun, theologian, and writer of the Counter Reformation. Saint Teresa of Avila was born in 1515 in Avila, Spain to a wealthy and prominent family. After the death of her mother when she was 11, she went to live with the Augustinian nuns and devoted the rest of her life to the church until her death in 1582. “The Interior Castle” was written shortly after Saint Teresa finished her autobiography, “The Life of Saint Teresa of Avila by Herself”, which has become a classic work of Christian mysticism. Saint Teresa wrote “The Interior Castle” to guide the faithful in their spiritual development and relationship with God through service and prayer. Inspired by a vision she received of the soul as a diamond in the shape of a castle containing seven mansions, Saint Teresa interpreted this vision as the journey of faith in seven stages, culminating in the perfect union with God. This classic masterpiece of faith and devotion remains an inspiring and helpful guide to those seeking a deeper spiritual practice.

    The Life of Saint Teresa of Avila by Herself

    Saint Teresa of Avila

    “The Life of Saint Teresa of Avila by Herself” is the autobiographical account of Saint Teresa of Avila, a prominent 16th century Spanish mystic, Carmelite nun, theologian, and writer of the Counter Reformation. Saint Teresa of Avila was born in 1515 in Avila, Spain to a wealthy and prominent family. After the death of her mother when she was 11, she went to live with the Augustinian nuns and devoted the rest of her life to the church until her death in 1582. Believed to have been written prior to 1567 at the direction of her confessor, Father Pedro Ibanez, Saint Teresa’s autobiography has a didactic tone, similar to many of her other writings. Her autobiography is intended to be instructional and to show the reader how to live a more devout Christian life in the manner put forth by the Catholic Church. A classic work of Christian mysticism “The Life of Saint Teresa of Avila by Herself” is a must read for anyone seeking a more contemplative life and a closer and more spiritual connection with God through prayer and religious devotion. This edition follows the translation of David Lewis.

    The Way of Perfection (Translated by Rev. John Dalton)

    Saint Teresa of Avila

    St. Teresa of Avila’s 16th century work “The Way of Perfection” is a classic of Christian literature which was written for the nuns of the order she founded. Encouraged by her religious counselors, she sought to give advice and guidance to other nuns in her ways of prayer and Christian meditation during the upheaval and change of the Reformation in Europe. In this influential work, St. Teresa of Avila gives practical advice for incorporating prayer in one’s everyday life and in using meditation and time spent in quiet repose to form a greater union with God and understanding of Christian mysticism. Through such meditation and deep contemplation, one could reach a state of rapture, or true communion with God. This guide directs its readers step by step to achieve a greater sense of spirituality and closeness with God by embracing fraternal love, rejecting material possessions, and practicing true humility. St. Teresa of Avila’s practical wisdom has been deeply influential and continues to inspire the faithful centuries later. This edition follows the translation of Rev. John Dalton.