Kevin Morgan

Список книг автора Kevin Morgan

    Stay Fit And Active Into Old Age With FitOldDog, In Spite Of Health Challenges

    Kevin Morgan

    The author, now in his early 70s, has had a life-time of exercise and sports training, in addition to a 40-year long career as a veterinary pathologist and researcher. As FitOldDog, he has developed an approach to safe exercise for better health based on his experience with an abdominal aortic aneurysm, combined with continued Ironman training. His method is directed by the FitOldDog Training Wheel that takes you through a progressive approach to exercise and training. Unlike other methods, it starts with, and has an emphasis on, the incorporation of body awareness and movement training into your daily workouts. It addresses the general issue of safe exercise after major surgery, and will guide you along the best path for your particular health challenge. The author's goal is to provide you with the tools you need for the active life that you deserve as you age. The rest is up to you!

    Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Roadmap

    Kevin Morgan

    This book has been designed to provide a complete overview of the available treatments for plantar fasciitis, and guidance on how to select an approach to a cure that is right for you. We include many helpful links to other resources and support pages on the Internet. The causes, such as running, and both the advantages and risks of specific treatments, are considered, with a focus on the underlying disease process. Our emphasis is on the progression of this condition, with special reference to the therapeutic value of body movement and awareness training. We have our preferred approach, which is presented, but we leave all options on the table, along with people's plantar fasciitis stories. These vignettes are incorporated into our ongoing research on available treatments for this widespread and painful condition, which really can interfere with your enjoyment of life. The authors, Kevin, aka FitOldDog, and Rebecca, combine their extensive skills in 'Pathology (the study of disease) and Ironman-Distance Triathlons' and 'Body Movement Expertise and Dance', respectively, to tackle a truly challenging problem. The book is designed to help you to escape from the plantar fasciitis treatment maze, as quickly and cost effectively as possible, and to return with happy feet to your activity of choice.

    Aortic Disease From The Patient's Perspective

    Kevin Morgan

    The author self-diagnosed an abdominal aortic aneurysm in the summer of 2010, based on two odd symptoms, (1) an abdominal pulse, and (2) severe foot pain in an Ironmman race. The diagnosis was confirmed by his surgeon, and a stent was installed. Since then, he has been working to turn this health setback into an adventure, continuing to compete in triathlons, whilst providing inspiration and motivation to other aortic patients. His goal is to encourage these people to get their life back on track and to be as active as possible.