Lawrence E. Burkholder

Список книг автора Lawrence E. Burkholder

    Satan’s Counterfeit Healing

    Lawrence E. Burkholder

    "The Christian church worldwide has been taken prisoner by Satan's counterfeit healing." This statement is based on the author's personal experience, modest exposure to the Toronto Blessing, observation of parachurch healing ministries, and extensive historical reconstructions. Satan's Counterfeit Healing presents and evaluates Satan's supernatural healing from the Paleolithic period (ca. 45000 BCE) to the contemporary church. The guiding thesis is that Satan and his demonic surrogates perform miracles which are evident as psi paranormal phenomena. These manifestations include physical and exorcistic supernatural healings. Paleolithic and Neolithic periods produced Great Mother goddess worship and healing, which have persisted ever since. These idolatries, combined with OT nature gods, were a backdrop to Jesus' true miracles. For two thousand years of church history there's been a tug-of-war between true and false healing. Mother goddess as Mariological shrine healing joined with natural and demonic magic, and esoteric energy psi. Alongside these the Holy Spirit has raised up genuine healers and their ministries. Modern healing is marked by energy counterfeits and faith healing, the latter especially accompanied by trance, false prophecy, and psi transformations. True divine healing can be recovered when Christians repudiate nature gods, reject false prophecy, and restore proper eschatology.

    The Leviathan Factor

    Lawrence E. Burkholder

    The Leviathan Factor tells the incredible story of how Satan, created as Lucifer the morning star, self-transformed into Leviathan, God's serpentine arch foe. When he tried to achieve immortality by tweaking creation's lowest-level laws (a sophisticated computer/automaton) he created death instead. As the serpent he reappeared in the Genesis tree of good and evil, where he seduced humans to attempt immortality apart from covenant with God. Leviathan is responsible for the false belief that we each have an inner divine spark which, when reconnected to our ego, awakens our true inherent divinity. Unfortunately he and his demonic spirits also impact our minds, bodies, and environment as psi. A few of the many markers of these demonic psi are levitation, telepathy, telekinesis, deja vu, emotional oppressions, poltergeist activities, past lives' «memories,» voices and visions, near death and out-of-body experiences, and trance channeling. Many of these psi phenomena are co-factors in mind disorders such as schizophrenia or epilepsy. Manifestations in Christian circles include false tongues and «holy» laughter. The Leviathan Factor is not a healing how-to. It is the first book to place demonic evil into the context of creation's basic structures and laws.