Randy C Dockens

Список книг автора Randy C Dockens

    Mercy of the Iron Scepter

    Randy C Dockens

    Kalem, an archeologist, lives between two apocalyptic events. Although unwittingly, he finds himself unraveling two opposing prophecies through unearthed steles he finds. He believes his older brother, labeled rebellious, was taken by the king, never to return, because he discovered evidence which put the king in a bad light. Now older, Kalem believes he has found evidence on these unearthed steles proving his brother’s findings about the king were correct. This prophecy tells of a coming Overtaker who will oust the current king and bring everyone total freedom. Kalem becomes close to the woman supposedly the key to fulfilling this stele prophecy. Yet, she believes in the current king and puts Kalem down an alternative view to the coming apocalypse. This other prophecy states the current king is the rightful ruler who will bring the world into an even better future. Can Kalem exonerate his brother and bring the justice he had always dreamed of? Or will he find his life is being manipulated to prevent the true prophecy from being fulfilled? Unfortunately, he finds deception in places he never would have suspected.

    Promised Kingdom

    Randy C Dockens

    Out of chaos comes chaos. Edvin wants to get into Swedish Special Forces and marry the girl of his dreams. All seems within his reach until the whole world literally falls apart. His girlfriend dies in a plane crash, his sister-in-law loses her unborn baby, as well as does every parent in the world. All children and selected people just vanish from the earth throwing the world into chaos. In the midst of this chaos, a new type of leader emerges who has great personal skills and ideas in how to bring the world back together better than ever. Edvin’s future begins to look up as he is recruited into the new elite world forces unit, gets assigned to this leader’s personal detail, becomes his trusted ally, and even falls in love again. Yet, Edvin finds this new leader may not be as altruistic as he portrays himself. It seems those not on his side become expendable. The more Edvin tries to help, the darker this leader becomes until Edvin finds himself on this leader’s enemy list as well. He learns of a coming apocalypse this leader tries to ignore, and tries to save as many as possible from both this future apocalypse as well as from the clutches of this leader who he once called a friend. Can Edvin, his family, and friends survive through the coming apocalypse before this leader causes their demise, or will heartache find him once again?


    Randy C Dockens

    The stakes are raised. Luke and his friends spy on The Six to better understand the deception it is providing to the world. They each continue with their normal jobs to try and appear as if nothing is unusual, but The Six begin to suspect they have become traitors to their cause. Yet, Luke, an astrophysicist, and Sarah, a physician, are needed to keep the Mars mission on time. One of Luke’s friends discovers a puzzle that leads them to a deeper understanding of what may happen in their future, but it opposes the message The Six is trying to tell the masses. Luke and his friends attempt to spread their new-found information to as many people as possible while trying to stay under the radar of The Six. If discovered, they will be on a one-way ticket to Mars themselves with no hope of returning. Will they be successful, or will they all have to start new lives on Mars?


    Randy C Dockens

    The danger intensifies. Luke and his friends must decide what to do with the sixty-year-old banned artifact they have stolen from the secret vault of The Six. Luke almost regrets finding it, for it bothers him to have something which has been forbidden for so many years, but he reluctantly joins the others to try and find the answers they seek from its contents. It is supposed to give them answers to the why behind the deception of the mind manipulation, the reason for the discrepancies found in the planning of the Mars mission, and is supposed to give them direction for their future. But it seems to raise more questions than provide answers. The corruption of The Six goes even deeper than they realized, and the immunity of Luke and Sarah against the mind manipulation puts their lives, and those of their friends, in further danger. Will they gain the answers, and the truth, they seek in time to save


    Randy C Dockens

    Amazing how a small choice can change your life forever. Luke feels he has his dream job being an astrophysicist at the Houston Aerospace Engineering Center preparing for the upcoming Mars mission. He even has a blooming romance with Sarah, a physician where he works. Life in 2089 is good—couldn’t be better. Until … until he makes that fateful choice. The decision to pick up that small piece of paper containing three simple letters plunges him into a conspiracy, forces him to face the world as he never knew it to be. He discovers he—everyone—is being manipulated by an elite few. Does he dare try to face the answers to the questions life is now throwing at him? Or does he blissfully ignore reality and go back to his fantasy world? He chooses to face the answers, and every direction he turns points him to T-H-B. What is the well-kept secret? Is it the answer, the truth, which he seeks? Will finding it bring clarity to his life and the right path for his future? Or will it make him an enemy to the entire world?