Rob Reimer

Список книг автора Rob Reimer

    El Cuidado del Alma

    Rob Reimer

    El Cuidado del Alma es la traducción en español del popular libro de Rob Reimer, ‘ Soul Care ’. El quebrantamiento se aferra al alma humana. Somos cuerpo, alma, y espíritu quebrantados, y necesitamos el toque sanador de Jesús. El Cuidado del Alma examina siete principios que son herramientas de sanación profunda de Dios: Afianzando tu identidad, arrepentimiento, venciendo los patrones del pecado familiar, perdonando a otros, sanando heridas, venciendo los temores, y liberación. Dr. Rob Reimer desafía a sus lectores a participar en un proceso interactivo, en el cual arremangarse las mangas y ensuciarse es necesario – una travesía de reflexión personal, inspiración del Espíritu Santo, lucha intensa y rendición. Es un proceso de descubrirte a ti mism@ en verdadera comunidad y de descubrir a Dios mientras Él penetra las capas de tu corazón. Los cambios en la vida son difíciles. Pero estos principios, cuando se juntan y se viven, pueden llevar a una transformación duradera, a tener libertad, y un alma sana. El Cuidado del Alma le anima a reunir a un grupo pequeño de compañer@s de guerra, para así poder leer y procesar junt@s, abrir sus almas entre sí, acceder a la presencia y el poder de Dios junt@s, y viajar junt@s hacia la libertad y la plenitud de Cristo.

    Deep Faith

    Rob Reimer

    Jesus said, “Very truly I tell you, all who have faith in me will do the works that I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these” (John 14:12). The extraordinary promise of Jesus is that we can do Kingdom works that He did – cast out demons, heal the sick, save the lost and set the captives free. Jesus wants to advance his Kingdom through us. But this promise comes with a condition: the level of our Kingdom activity is dependent upon our faith. There are promises in Heaven that God wants to release, but they cannot be released without faith. There are miracles that God wants to do that cannot be done without faith. There are answers to prayer that God wants to unleash that cannot be unleashed without faith. There are works of the Kingdom that God wants to accomplish that cannot be accomplished unless the people of God develop deeper faith. But there is hope for all of us, because faith can be developed. Faith opens doors and creates opportunities for accessing God’s power against all odds. Faith is a difference maker, a future shaper, a bondage breaker, a Kingdom mover. In his latest book, Dr. Rob Reimer challenges readers to develop deep faith that can release the works of the Kingdom. Faith is not static; it is dynamic. We can and must take an intentional path toward developing our faith if we want to see the works of the Kingdom in greater measure.

    Pathways to the King

    Rob Reimer

    The church in America desperately needs revival. The percentage of people who attend church in America today is lower than ever before. But how do we experience revival? How do we usher in God’s Kingdom on Earth and see the next great spiritual awakening? It starts with you. God wants you to draw near to Jesus and to be a carrier of His Kingdom. He wants you to experience the reality and fullness of His Kingdom, and He wants you to expand the Kingdom to others – just like Jesus did.<br /> Pathways to the King provides you with 8 Kingdom pathways that you’ll need to incorporate and internalize in order to experience and expand God’s Kingdom on Earth. These pathways are discussed in great detail, are securely rooted in biblical truths, and are illustrated by poignant examples from Scripture, from the lives of believers, and from great Christians throughout history. When you begin to walk down these pathways, you will develop intimacy, authority, and power in Christ and become a Kingdom-minded person living out the compelling life of the Spirit.

    Soul Care

    Rob Reimer

    Brokenness grasps for the soul of humanity. We are broken body, soul, and spirit, and we need the healing touch of Jesus. Soul Care explores seven principles that are profound healing tools of God: securing your identity, repentance, breaking family sin patterns, forgiving others, healing wounds, overcoming fears, and deliverance. Dr. Rob Reimer challenges readers to engage in an interactive, roll-up-your-sleeves and get messy process – a journey of self-reflection, Holy Spirit inspiration, deep wrestling, and surrender. It is a process of discovering yourself in true community and discovering God as He pierces through the layers of your heart. Life change is hard. But these principles, when packaged together and lived out, can lead to lasting transformation, freedom, and a healthy soul. Soul Care encourages you to gather a small group of comrades in arms, read and process together, open your souls to one another, access the presence and power of God together, and journey together into the freedom and fullness of Christ.