Marshall Koontz

Список книг автора Marshall Koontz

    Sign Language

    Marshall Koontz

    A sign language guide will help kids learn to sign easily and effectively. Kids are extremely receptive to new languages and signing is no exception. Pictures and diagrams in the study guide will help kids learn proper finger placement when forming signs. This will help communication flow more easily. Having a study guide will be empowering for kids as they can learn on their own and at their own pace.

    Egypt In Full Color

    Marshall Koontz

    Although it depends on what type of book it is, generally speaking, by reading a book about Egypt a child's imagination can be enriched with facts and names of people such as pharaohs and their queens, their adventures as well as the consequences of their actions and can inspire the child to create his own life stories through this filter and possibly to become in adulthood either a historian or a writer or an archeologist, to name just a few possibilities.

    Windows 8.1 Update Quick Reference Guide

    Marshall Koontz

    Windows 8 is the most complex form of Windows software to date. Many people have such a hard time working with Windows 8, that they have rolled back their software to Windows 7, which was a much easier platform. By using the Windows 8.1 Update Quick Reference Guide, it can easily help you to find the answers to questions you have about Windows 8. Getting quick answers, will help you to be able to learn how to use Windows 8, without too much reading.

    Wonders Of The Ocean

    Marshall Koontz

    Children will be memorized with the bright and bold colors of the underwater world. They will be amazed at the different sizes and colors of the sea's wildlife. This is a world that most children do not have the benefit of seeing everyday and they will be continually curious at the busy life under the sea. From the growing vegetation to the swimming fish in the clear, blue waters of the ocean, a child will be able to see in detail all the life of the creatures in the ocean world. With it's variety and color, Wonders of the Ocean picture book will hold a child's attention for hours.

    Big Cats Of The World

    Marshall Koontz

    A Big Cats of the World Picture Book is a great way for a child to learn all about animals from around the world. Large cats are colorful and engaging for young children, and a picture book allows them to be shown in their natural habitats. Children enjoy stimulation to multiple senses, and a picture book gives them great images to help them learn and keep them entertained. A Big Cats of the World Picture Book will help them learn about the areas the animals live in as well and allows for a variety of content on every page inside.

    Italian Grammar (Speedy Study Guides)

    Marshall Koontz

    Italian grammar consists of some of the basic rules that people will need to follow when they want to understand the language. This pamphlet will help to determine word order placement and the way that sounds tend to flow together. It is a major component of learning the language itself. Like many other languages in the world, most Italian grammar will consist of producing different types of nous and verbs. This could be a major challenge for people who want to learn the basics rules. This could also help people learn to speak the language fluently throughout their conversations with other people. ?