Mercedes Pavlicevic

Список книг автора Mercedes Pavlicevic

    A Guide to Research Ethics for Arts Therapists and Arts & Health Practitioners

    Mercedes Pavlicevic

    This practical guide aims to inspire ethically-aware practitioners to become ethically-aware researchers, evaluators and participants. Conducting a research project, whatever the setting, requires not only knowledge of research methods but also an in-depth understanding of research ethics. Embedded in 'real life' experiences of research ethics applications, this guide navigates the reader through research ethics procedures, drawing from legislation and a range of research ethics committee regulations. Although the emphasis is on research, ethical considerations presented in this guide are equally relevant and applicable to other types of enquiry, including monitoring and evaluation projects. Whether leading a research project, being part of a research team or taking part as a research participant, this book is essential reading for all arts & health practitioners and arts therapists.

    A Guide to Evaluation for Arts Therapists and Arts & Health Practitioners

    Mercedes Pavlicevic

    Evaluation is crucial to the development and sustainability of Arts Therapy and Arts & Health practices. This guide supports practitioners in their quest to integrate thorough evaluation procedures in their everyday practices by providing practical guidance for designing, planning and implementing bespoke evaluation projects. Based on the authors' experience of designing and realising evaluation projects and running training workshops, a range of suggestions are offered for developing appropriate timelines and collection tools, ensuring organisational diplomacy, and managing what can be a delicate balance of truth, fact and perception. This guide will help practitioners to evaluate their services and projects by taking into consideration the unique profile of the practice, the workplace, clients, project participants, and sectors.

    Groups in Music

    Mercedes Pavlicevic

    Music in Groups happens all the time: in the street, the classroom, in music colleges, community centres, hospitals, prisons, churches and concert halls; at raves, weddings, music festivals, public ceremonies, music therapy sessions, group music lessons, concerts and rehearsals. Some group musicking seems to 'work' (and play) better than others; some sessions feel exhausting even if things are going well; and at other times, we can't begin to explain the complex musical and relational textures of group music work to funders, employers, friends, colleagues, or line managers. In this book, music therapist Mercédès Pavlicevic develops a broad-based discourse to describe, analyse and guide the practice of group musicking, drawing on her own extensive experience. The text is illustrated with vignettes drawn from a range of formal and informal settings that include spontaneous public occasions, collective rituals, special and mainstream education, music therapy, the concert hall, the music appreciation group and community work. This book makes you think about balancing individual and group needs, the development of group time, dealing with over-enthusiastic performers who 'hog' the group sound, undercurrents in music groups, the complications of dealing with institutions, preparing music listening programmes and buying instruments for group work – if you're involved in any kind of group musicking, this book is for you.