Michael Mandelstam

Список книг автора Michael Mandelstam

    Care Act 2014

    Michael Mandelstam

    The Care Act 2014 represents a major upheaval in adult social care law: the biggest since 1948. This book sets out and explains the provisions of the Care Act 2014 in simple terms, illustrating its practical implications for both social and health care with many legal cases and local ombudsman investigations. It also includes a substantial section on NHS Continuing Health Care and how it relates to the Care Act. Presented in a handy A – Z format, Michael Mandelstam brings his extensive experience in this field to bear on this new, important piece of legislation. It is essential reading for health and social care managers and practitioners, advocates, lawyers, policy makers and students of social work and social policy.

    Safeguarding Adults and the Law

    Michael Mandelstam

    The safeguarding of vulnerable adults continues to increase in importance. Safeguarding Adults and the Law, now in its second edition, sets this complex area of work within an extensive legal framework and provides many useful pointers for practitioners and students. The book covers, for example, Department of Health guidelines, human rights, the regulation of health and social care providers, the barring of carers from working with vulnerable adults, care standards tribunal cases, mental capacity, undue influence, assault, battery, wilful neglect, ill treatment, self-neglect, manslaughter, murder, theft, fraud, sexual offences, data protection and the sharing of information. It focuses on how these areas of law apply to vulnerable adults, and uses the large body of case law to bring the law to life. Also covered is how local authorities and the NHS are implicated in causing harm – through abuse, neglect or omission – as exemplified by the independent and public inquiries into the catastrophic events at Stafford Hospital. This fully-updated second edition comprehensively reflects recent changes to the law, and includes many new case studies. It looks forward also to the implications, for safeguarding, of the draft Care and Support Bill 2012. This book will be an essential resource for all those working in community care, adult social work, health care and housing. Those working for local authorities, the NHS, voluntary organisations and students will find it to be essential reading.

    Quick Guide to Community Care Practice and the Law

    Michael Mandelstam

    This short guide cuts through the confusing mass of legislation to provide a concise and jargon-free explanation of current community care practice and the law. In clear and simple language, it explains the legislation directly relevant to practitioners, including: rules about how people in need get an assessment from local authorities; the assessment of need itself; eligibility for actually getting a service (and the «fair access to care» policy); charging for services; ordinary residence; topping up of care home fees; assessing informal carers; and the rules about asylum seekers. It provides an overview and analysis of high profile issues such as direct payments, personal budgets and the policy of personalisation and National Health Service provision, including the vexed issue of NHS continuing health care. It also highlights the duties placed on local authorities and the NHS, the various tensions underlying community care, and the consequent shortcuts – both lawful and unlawful – that local authorities and the NHS feel obliged to take. Quick Guide to Community Care Practice and the Law is an essential resource for busy practitioners at all levels as well as managers in both the statutory and voluntary sectors, policy-makers in local authorities and the NHS, advocates, lawyers and social work students.

    Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults and the Law

    Michael Mandelstam

    The protection of vulnerable adults is a fast emerging area of work for local authorities, the NHS and other agencies. Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults and the Law, sets this within a comprehensive legal framework. The relevant law and guidance is extensive. It includes Department of Health guidance (No Secrets), human rights, the regulation of health and social care providers, the barring of carers from working with vulnerable adults, care standards tribunal cases, mental capacity, undue influence, assault, battery, wilful neglect, ill treatment, manslaughter, murder, theft, fraud, sexual offences, data protection and the sharing of information. The book focuses on how these areas of law apply to vulnerable adults, and brings together an extensive body of case law to illustrate this. Also covered is how local authorities and the NHS may themselves be implicated in the harm – through abuse, neglect or omission – suffered by vulnerable adults. For example, in terms of the gross lapses in standards of care, infection control, nutrition and basic dignity sometimes to be found in hospitals. All those working in community care, adult social work, health care and housing will find this book invaluable. Local authorities, the NHS, voluntary organisations and students will find this to be essential reading.

    Betraying the NHS

    Michael Mandelstam

    Based on his experiences of helping to fight cuts and closures in Suffolk, Michael Mandelstam delivers a damning verdict on the mismanagement of the NHS at national, regional and local level. He charts the widespread cutbacks and closures, both rural and urban, to clinics, A&E services, beds, wards and scores of community hospitals. He outlines how humane care, particularly for older people, is compromised by the ruthless determination of NHS management to increase patient throughput and hit government-set targets. The author highlights how the chaotic change to the NHS is being driven by concealed agendas – including privatisation of the NHS, obsessive interference from central government as well as selective use, if not abandonment, of evidence-based practice. Seriously flawed and damaging decisions are the result, affecting the population at large as well as those most vulnerable – older people with chronic and complex needs, people with physical or learning disabilities and people with mental health problems. Above all, he exposes the scandalous lack of transparency and accountability behind changes that threaten to destroy the NHS.

    How We Treat the Sick

    Michael Mandelstam

    No official statistics are kept for the number of hospital patients, in particular older people, who are subjected to neglect and abuse. That is, left malnourished and dehydrated, in pain, allowed to develop agonising and fatal pressure sores, not taken to the toilet, left to lie in their own bodily waste, cared for in a filthy environment and at risk of infection, ignored, allowed to fall over repeatedly, not spoken to, left naked or dressed in other patients' clothes – and discharged from hospital prematurely. This book bears witness to all these practices and more. Setting out a wealth of evidence not previously brought together, Michael Mandelstam shows beyond question that neglectful care is a systemic blight, rather than mere local blemish, within our health services. He analyses the causes and factors involved, reveals the widespread denial and lack of accountability on the part of those responsible – and spells out the political, moral, professional and legal implications of this failure to care for the most vulnerable of patients with humanity and compassion. Most important, Mandelstam points to the main obstacles to a solution – and to how they can be removed and change be accomplished. This book should be read by anyone concerned with the state of our health services, including National Health Service users, government policy makers and planners, public health practitioners and academics and researchers.