Ronald D. Hedding

Список книг автора Ronald D. Hedding

    The Art of the Perfect Defense: Your Essential Guide to Criminal Defense In Los Angeles

    Ronald D. Hedding

    The ultimate justice of the people? Is there any better or equal hope in the world?&mdash;Abraham Lincoln <br><br>* Have you been bailed or cited out or released from custody? <br>* Do you have a criminal case pending against you? <br>* Have you been taken into custody? <br>* Are you the subject of a criminal investigation? <br><br>If so, your freedom and reputation are at risk. You are now charged with making decisions that could forever change your life. <br><br>In The Art of the Perfect Defense Ronald D. Hedding, Esq. provides essential information you need to navigate through Los Angeles&#39;s criminal justice system, which is one of the most complicated and largest in the United States. In this book, you&#39;ll learn: <br><br>* Common mistakes that could have tragic consequences and how to avoid them <br>* Steps you need to take right away to protect yourself <br>* What to do if someone you care about is the focus of a criminal investigation <br>* Why a criminal defense lawyer&#39;s local expertise is critical to a favorable outcome<br>* Straightforward explanations of key legal terms and concepts you must know <br><br>The Art of the Perfect Defense unlocks the mystery behind the Los Angeles criminal justice system. When you&#39;re facing a scary and uncertain future, this book will be your essential guide to experiencing the best possible result.

    El Arte de la Defensa Perfecta

    Ronald D. Hedding

    * &Acirc;&#191;Ha sido usted liberado bajo fianza, citado o liberado de la custodia?<br>* &Acirc;&#191;Tiene un caso penal pendiente?<br>* &Acirc;&#191;Es usted sujeto de una investigaci&Atilde;&#179;n penal?<br><br>Si es as&Atilde;&#173;, su reputaci&Atilde;&#179;n y su libertad est&Atilde;&#161;n en peligro. Usted se encuentra cargado con el peso de tomar decisiones que podr&Atilde;&#173;an cambiar su vida para siempre.<br><br>En EL ARTE DE LA DEFENSA PERFECTA, Ronal D. Hedding, Esq. provee informaci&Atilde;&#179;n esencial para navegar a trav&Atilde;&copy;s del sistema judicial de Los &Atilde;ngeles, uno de los m&Atilde;&#161;s grandes y complicados de los Estados Unidos.<br><br>Usted aprender&Atilde;&#161;:<br>* Errores comunes y c&Atilde;&#179;mo evitarlos.<br>* Pasos que necesita tomar de inmediato para protegerse.<br>* &Acirc;&#191;Por qu&Atilde;&copy; la experiencia local de un abogado penal es cr&Atilde;&#173;tica para un resultado positivo?<br>* Explicaciones claras sobre t&Atilde;&copy;rminos legales clave y conceptos que debe conocer.<br><br>Cuando usted se encuentre frente a un futuro incierto y desalentador, este libro ser&Atilde;&#161; su gu&Atilde;&#173;a esencial.