Dena Boone's Churchill

Список книг автора Dena Boone's Churchill

    Love Your Divorce

    Dena Boone's Churchill

    The universe apparently thrusts complimentary opposites together and calls them the full quantum of love. In an attempt to have us love more of ourselves and our world, we are given a mirror. As we move through our lessons of love, there is more clarity reflected with the recognition of the profound truth that we are all one in spirit. That which we cannot love, we will attract until we do. <br><br>The ultimate goal is to love all the parts of yourself; including the ego, the liar, the cheater, the aggressor, as well as others characteristics you may already love to own, such as compassion, caring, and kindness. People you meet (particularly spouses &ndash; who love you the most – will appear different to you, opposite in fact. Opposites do attract. If two people were both the same, one would be redundant. Differences draw you together for the purpose of love, the full quantum of love.<br><br>The experience of being able to see different forms, and understanding that they are all parts of a loving matrix surrounding us every minute of our lives, grants us the faith, trust, confidence and security in a force at work outside of ourselves. <br><br>The key to divinity is within the ability to expand perceptions to a higher level of understanding.<br><br>&quot;Dr. Dena Churchill is brilliant, articulate and inspiring. She has the ability to make you think, laugh and even bring you to tears with her fountain of inspiration.&quot; <br><br>Dr. John F. Demartini – chiropractor, international speaker, and bestselling author of The Breakthrough Experience.