Carol A. Kivler

Список книг автора Carol A. Kivler

    Mental Health Recovery Boosters

    Carol A. Kivler

    Mental Health Recovery Boosters is a book of inspiration and reflection designed to move readers from mental illness to mental wellness. The 68 short but powerful essays stand alone with messages of encouragement and personal accountability. Based on lessons the author learned during her journey out of mental illness, the essays encourage readers to reflect on daily choices and mental habits that affect their mental wellness. The author discovered during her own journey that what she needed was an attitude shift – a shift from illness to wellness in order to sustain her recovery.<br><br>&quot;What I have learned over the years is the power of one&#39;s beliefs. We have all heard of the self-fulfilling prophecy – if you think you can or you think you can&#39;t, you prove yourself right on either side. Why? You build your reality upon thoughts you agree are true. Also, you have it within your power to tap into two universal laws: The Laws of Intention and Attraction. Once you set your intention to mental wellness, providence takes over and you attract experiences and opportunities to live the life you created with your intentions. &quot;<br>– Carol A. Kivler, Author<br><br>Readers are encouraged to thumb through the book until they feel the urge to stop and read. Each thought-provoking essay is accompanied by a question that encourages readers to look more deeply into patterns that may be affecting their recovery from mental illness. Space is provided to jot down important insights. Attention to wellness can make a big difference in dealing with a mental illness, and answering the questions helps transfer the commitment of wellness into one&#39;s own life.<br><br>This powerful book will inspire you to hold yourself accountable for your own mental wellness. When you take the time to reflect on the essays and questions, you will be setting your wellness intentions out into the universe to manifest the life you were meant to live.

    Will I Ever Be the Same Again?: Transforming the Face of Depression & Anxiety (Kivler Communications)

    Carol A. Kivler

    Blessed with a loving family, a successful business as an executive coach and money in the bank, Carol Kivler was suddenly and unexpectedly brought to her knees by &quot;The Beast&quot; – clinical depression. The story of her journey to recovery from medication-resistant depression is not only informative but inspires hope in others who suffer from this debilitating illness.<br><br>Kivler&#39;s book is written for multiple audiences, especially individuals who are suffering from major depression and their loved ones. It is also for health care providers, who often make the difference between &quot;giving up&quot; and &quot;recovery&quot; for those suffering from mental illness. Her &quot;Courageous Recovery Wellness Model&quot; provides a roadmap for recovery while addressing the misconceptions and stigma associated with depression.<br><br>&quot;Major depression is not an attitude. It is not a personality dysfunction. It is not a flaw in character. It is not laziness or a call for attention. It is not hurt feelings or a reaction to a bump in the road. It is not contagious. Depression is not something that can be brought on or fought off by self-will. Depression is not something to be ashamed of. And most importantly, it is not something that should be ignored. Left untreated, serious depression can be life crippling and even lead to death (by suicide).&quot;<br><br>Because medication did not work for her, and despite serious reservations, Kivler eventually agreed to ECT (electroconvulsive therapy, or shock therapy). The treatment not only gave her back the desire to live but the ability to thrive in her personal and professional life. Electroconvulsive therapy became her &quot;ladder out of the depression pit.&quot;<br><br>Much of Kivler&#39;s apprehension toward ECT was based on stigma and misinformation.<br><br>&quot;Say the words &#39;shock therapy&#39; to ten people and nine of them will respond with the movie title &#39;One Flew Over the Cuckoo&#39;s Nest.&#39; The movie (made in 1975) won five academy awards but left a wretched taste in our mouths about ECT. That movie as well as &#39;The Snake Pit&#39; (made in 1945) both depict earlier developments of the treatment – not the modernized procedure that provides relief to countless patients every day. Unfortunately, they have left a deep impression on society that ECT is not only painful, barbaric and inhumane, but something to be ashamed of.&quot;<br><br>In her opinion, the stigma associated with ECT deprives severely depressed individuals the right to potential recovery. Consequently, the section of her book on &quot;Demystifying ECT&quot; provides accurate, up to date information about today&#39;s modernized procedure, answers common questions such as &quot;Does it hurt?&quot; (No!) and discusses possible side effects (which Kivler found to be no worse than those from medication).<br><br>In addition, the success rate of ECT, according to the American Psychiatric Association, is 80 percent. This is considerably higher than 45 to 50 percent success rate of most anti-depressants. Plus, the effects of ECT are generally felt as early as the third or fourth treatment, while medications can take as long as six weeks to take effect.<br><br>&quot;Will I Ever Be the Same Again&quot; puts the face of hope on depression, providing information and inspiration to reach beyond the myths and stigma surrounding ECT and mental illness. It was an Award-Winning Finalist in the Health: Psychology/Mental Health category of the &quot;Best Books 2010&quot; Awards, sponsored by USA Book News. Kivler&#39;s book was also awarded Finalist, Self-Help Category, 2011 Next Generation Indie Book Awards.

    The ABCs of Recovery from Mental Illness

    Carol A. Kivler

    This handy pocket-sized guide presents 26 proven strategies that help those recovering from mental illness sustain their recovery. From &quot;Accept your illness – it&#39;s not your fault&quot; to &quot;Zero in on taking care of yourself every single day&quot;, it&#39;s packed with practical suggestions for anyone striving to sustain good mental health.<br><br>The author, Carol Kivler, was brought to her knees four times by &quot;The Beast&quot; – clinical depression. After her fourth episode she began exploring non-medical strategies for preventing relapse:<br><br>&quot;Journaling provided an outlet for getting things out of my head and onto paper. Quieting my mind throughout the day eased my racing thoughts. Scheduling activities on my calendar gave me something to look forward to. Recognizing how to &#39;be&#39; instead of &#39;do&#39; brought a sense of relief to my harried world.&quot; <br><br>It&#39;s been 12+ years since Carol&#39;s last episode of depression. She credits the strategies in this book with helping her, and many others that she&#39;s shared them with, to sustain recovery and live a productive and fulfilling life. Each of the 26 strategies offers evocative insight into non-medical options that work.