Kris Wilder

Список книг автора Kris Wilder

    The Way to Black Belt

    Kris Wilder

    Cut to the very core of what it means to be successful in the martial arts. Earning a black belt can be the most rewarding experience of a lifetime, but getting there takes considerable planning. Whether your interests are in the classical styles of Asia or in today's Mixed Martial Arts, this book prepares you to meet every challenge. Whatever your age, whatever your gender, you will benefit from the wisdom of master martial artists around the globe, who share more than 300 years of combined training experience. Benefit from their guidance during your development into a first-class black belt. The Wisdom of… Iain Abernethy Dan Anderson Loren Christensen Jeff Cooper Wim Demeere Aaron Fields Lawrence Kane Rory Miller Martina Sprague Phillip Starr Jeff Stevens Kris Wilder …and many more. Packed with actionable information, The Way to Black Belt will teach you how to set goals, find a good instructor, monitor your progress, overcome plateaus in your training, take advantage of learning opportunities, and work through the inevitable injuries that come with rigorous martial arts training. Putting your skills to the test at each developmental stage of your training requires a certain mental 'clarity.' The authors examine what this means, how to find it, and how to make sure that when the time comes you are 100% prepared. If you are serious about your martial arts training, The Way to Black Belt will arm you with the information you need to swiftly become a highly skilled, well-qualified black belt.

    The Way of Kata

    Kris Wilder

    The Principles for Understanding Kata are Largely Unknown – Until Now The ancient masters developed kata, or «formal exercises,» as fault-tolerant methods to preserve their unique, combat-proven fighting systems. Unfortunately, they deployed a two-track system of instruction where an 'outer circle' of students unknowingly received modified forms with critical details or important principles omitted. Only the select 'inner circle' that had gained a master's trust and respect would be taught okuden waza, the powerful hidden applications of kata. The theory of deciphering kata applications (kaisai no genri) was once a great mystery revealed only to trusted disciples of the ancient masters in order to protect the secrets of their systems. Even today, while the basic movements of kata are widely known, advanced practical applications and sophisticated techniques frequently remain hidden from the casual observer. The principles and rules for understanding kata are largely unknown. This groundbreaking book unveils these methods, not only teaching you how to analyze your kata to understand what it is trying to tell you, but also helping you to utilize your fighting techniques more effectively—both in self-defense and in tournament applications. Fifteen general principles to identify effective techniques Twelve discrete rules for deciphering martial applications Comprehensive insights into kata history, strategy and tactics Vital physiological considerations Well organized materials for easy reference and comprehensive understanding

    The Little Black Book Violence

    Kris Wilder

    The Little Black Book of Violence will arm you with the knowledge and good sense to make informed choices in hazardous situations. While some yahoo spewing insults about your favorite sports team is worlds apart from a drug-crazed lunatic lunging at you with a sharp knife in his hands and bloodlust in his eyes, there is a large gray area in between these two extremes where hard and fast rules do not always apply. This is where wisdom, oftentimes hard-earned wisdom, makes the difference between good decisions and bad ones. Every time you engage in violence, no matter how small or trivial it may appear to be at the time, it has the potential of escalating into something extraordinarily serious. What is really worth fighting for when you might find yourself spending the rest of your life behind bars, confined to a wheelchair, or trying to dig yourself out of bankruptcy from beneath the crushing weight of a civil lawsuit? It is important to ask yourself, «Is this really worth fighting over?» While in some instances the response could legitimately be «Yes,» more often than not it ought to be «No.» More than mere techniques, this book fills in crucial information about street survival that most martial arts instructors don't teach or even know. You will learn how to use awareness, avoidance, and de-escalation to help stave off violence. Despite the best intentions, however, you may still find yourself in situations where you have no choice but to fight and others where it is prudent to do so. Consequently you will also learn smart things you might want to try and dumb things you should attempt to avoid during a physical confrontation. In addition to learning strategies and techniques for defending yourself on the street you will also learn how to manage the aftermath of violence, including performing first aid, interacting with law enforcement, managing witnesses, finding a good attorney, navigating the legal system, dealing with the press, and overcoming psychological trauma. Men, who commit about 80 percent of all violent crimes, are twice as likely to become victims of aggressive behavior as women. While written primarily for this at-risk demographic, this comprehensive tome is essential reading for anyone who regularly deals with violence, thinks they may encounter a hostile situation, or who simply wants to increase their ability to survive a dangerous encounter.

    Dirty Ground

    Kris Wilder

    Goals—what you are fighting for changes every element of how you fight If you fight, you fight for a goal and you fight in an environment. In a sport environment you want to win quickly and decisively, with solid assurances that your opponent will be able to get up and compete again tomorrow. In a combat environment you also want to win quickly and decisively, but with solid assurances that your adversary cannot get up and re-engage. In the tricky space between sport and combat, termed «drunkle» (a commingling of the words drunk and uncle), you may be wrangling an out-of-control friend or relative, someone you need to restrain but do not want to injure. This puts the responsibility of their safety entirely on you. Understanding these environments is vital! Appropriate use of force is codified in law and any actions that do not accommodate these rules can have severe repercussions. Your martial art techniques must be adapted to best fit the situation at hand. The authors analyze 30 fundamental strikes, kicks and locks, and present 12 well-known sport competition forms modified for each of the three vital environments: Sport, Drunkle, and Combat. Be Smart. Know how to adapt.