Richard Seymour

Список книг автора Richard Seymour

    The twittering machine

    Richard Seymour

    Una brillante investigación sobre los efectos políticos y psicológicos de nuestra cambiante relación con los medios sociales.
    Los antiguos ejecutivos de la industria social nos dicen que el sis­tema es una máquina de adicción. Somos usuarios que esperamos histéricos nuestro próximo éxito, con sus likes, sus comentarios y su difusión compartida. Escribimos a la máquina como individuos, pero esta nos responde agregando nuestros deseos, fantasías y debilidades, y convirtiéndolo todo en datos. Nos transformamos, queramos o no, en una experiencia de mercancía.
    En la obra de Paul Klee Die Zwitscher-Maschine (The Twittering Machine o La máquina de trinar, 1922), la canción del pájaro de una máquina diabólica actúa como un cebo para atraer a la humanidad a un pozo de condenación. De igual forma, las redes y la industrial social nos ofrecían la promesa de construir nuestra propia historia, pero ¿hasta qué punto elegimos la pesadilla en la que se ha convertido?


    Richard Seymour

    For the first time in decades, socialism is back on the agenda—and for the first time in Labour’s history, it defines the leadership In the 2017 general election, Jeremy Corbyn pulled off an historic upset, attracting the biggest increase in the Labour vote since 1945. It was another reversal of expectations for the mainstream media and his ‘soft-left’ detractors. Demolishing the Blairite opposition in 2015, Corbyn had already seen off an attempted coup. Now, he had shattered the government’s authority, and even Corbyn’s most vitriolic critics have been forced into stunned mea culpas. For the first time in decades, socialism is back on the agenda—and for the first time in Labour’s history, it defines the leadership. Richard Seymour tells the story of how Corbyn’s rise was made possible by the long decline of Labour and by a deep crisis in British democracy. He shows how Corbyn began the task of rebuilding Labour as a grassroots party, with a coalition of trade unionists, young and precarious workers, students and ‘Old Labour’ pugilists, who then became the biggest campaigning army in British politics. Utilizing social media, activists turned the media’s Project Fear on its head and broke the ideological monopoly of the tabloids. After the election, with all the artillery still ranged against Corbyn, and with all the weaknesses of the Left’s revival, Seymour asks what Corbyn can do with his newfound success.


    Richard Seymour

    Blistering and timely interrogation of the politics and motives of an infamous ex-leftist. Irascible and forthright, Christopher Hitchens stood out as a man determined to do just that. In his younger years, a career-minded socialist, he emerged from the smoke of 9/11 a neoconservative “Marxist,” an advocate of America’s invasion of Iraq filled with passionate intensity. Throughout his life, he played the role of universal gadfly, whose commitment to the truth transcended the party line as well as received wisdom. But how much of this was imposture? In this highly critical study, Richard Seymour casts a cold eye over the career of the “Hitch” to uncover an intellectual trajectory determined by expediency and a fetish for power. As an orator and writer, Hitchens offered something unique and highly marketable. But for all his professed individualism, he remains a recognizable historical type—the apostate leftist. Unhitched presents a rewarding and entertaining case study, one that is also a cautionary tale for our times.