Set in an unnamed country sometime in the past, present, or future, Kiss Me, Stranger is the story of one woman's attempts to keep her family together while a civil war rages around her.Penelope, her husband and her fourteen children live in a small war-torn country built atop a landfill. After her husband and eldest son are drafted by opposing factions in the war, Penelope and her remaining children, desolate and nearly starving, are forced to scavenge for scrap–comprised of discarded consumer goods such as computers, televisions and automobiles–in the bombed-out city. When the government scrap collector makes an unreasonable demand in already unreasonable circumstances, Penelope slaps him across the face, leading to her arrest. Her subsequent escape sends her family on a journey literally into the heart of the landfill, where they come face to face with the stupidity, destruction and at times, dark humor, of war and modern consumer society.Featuring over fifty illustrations by the author, Kiss Me, Stranger is a comical and tragic commentary on war, violence, and consumerism.
Ron is extremely well-established in the writing community–he is a former president of AWP–and we will be bringing his extensive network to garner attention and reviews for the bookAdditional blurbs to come from Kevin Wilson, Bob Shacochis, Julia Glass and Alice McDermott Ron's awards for writing include a Faulkner Society gold medal, a Pushcart Prize, a New Letters Award, a Best of the Web Award, a Maryland Arts Council grant, and many others. Missile Paradise is set on the Marshall Islands, which are on the edge of Micronesia, smack dab in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and almost precisely on the equator. The U.S. tested 67 nuclear bombs in, on, and over the Marshall Islands from 1946 through 1958, and to this day, maintains a top secret missile testing program there.Ron lived in the Marshall Islands as a teenager–on that top-secret missile base, called Kwajalein. He returned there in the 1990s, and again in 2008, to establish a program to teach the Marshallese English.