Lawrence D

Список книг автора Lawrence D

    Women in Love - The Original Classic Edition

    Lawrence D

    Women in Love must be just about the most emotionally intense book you will ever read. D.H. Lawrence conjures his four main characters in what feels like the heat of a closed-room kiln. The writing is beautiful and amazingly perceptive, but is at times stultifyingly over-analytical. <p> Yet, despite the books combined length, density and decided lack of plot, Women in Love is surprisingly readable. What makes this book so good is the honesty with which Lawrence imbues his two title characters, Ursula and Gudrun Brangwen, and their two chosen lovers, Birkin and Gerald. It can be frustrating to read page after page of the mental thrashings of an individual minds search for truth and authenticity in life and in love, but it can also be a kind of revelation. <p> These characters think differently about the world around them than you do, and we each think differently about the world than you who are reading this do. And yet we are all basically the same on a certain transcendent level. We are all human and we all long for an authentic connection with the world around us. We are different and we are the same. Thats why living in this world isnt always easy, and thats why its always worthwhile. This book beautifully and even entertainingly captures those basic struggles for human connection and if for that reason alone, its well worth reading. Highly recommended.