Shakespeare William

Список книг автора Shakespeare William

    Sonnets - The Original Classic Edition

    Shakespeare William

    A colleague advised that I assign my college students this edition, and I am glad she did. Rather than reading the few anthologized works together with some handouts, students now own the entire set. <p> For anyone not familiar with Shakespeares 154 sonnets, this gives an affordable and portable version. For anyone familiar with the works, this book offers them in a beautifully light, compressed format that itself enhances rereading and re-interpretation. <p> As an enthusiast myself–someone who studied at the Shakespeare Institute, England, writing a 310-page thesis on the Bard–I feel grateful to be able to help others to such an inexpensive and pleasant way to own and explore Shakespeares entire collection of sonnets. Because I could skim the poems in sequence so quickly and easily with this edition, the interrelationships among Sonnets 113, 114, 115, and the famous 116, Let me not to the marriage of true minds, for example, struck me in a new way as I reread them in this book. <p> A highly- recommended edition.

    Julius Caesar - The Original Classic Edition

    Shakespeare William

    Julius Caesar is a tale of honor and betrayal. Pompey, a beloved Roman leader, is defeated in civil war with Caesar. A small brotherhood, let by Marcus Brutus, is still devoted to him after his death, and wants nothing less than the assassination of their new leader. I had expected Caesars death (Et tu, Bruté? Then fall Caesar.) to be near the end of the book. However, it turned out to be within the third of five acts. The rest of the book is devoted to the attempts by Brutuss followers and Marc Antony (a dear friend of Caesar, and Brutuss enemy) to get the populace to believe in and follow that persons views, and turn them against the other peoples ideals. Marc Antony, an orator with the ability to, in essence, brainwash an entire city with a short speech (Friends, Romans, Countrymen, / Lend me your ears!), convinces Rome to turn on Brutuss brotherhood. How their conflict is settled is, by far, the most captivating and entrancing parts of the play. <p> With the plot discussed, I will move on to what makes this a challenging read: dialogue. Being a work from the Elizabethan Era, I (naively) expected words such as forsooth and manye more wordse endinge ine e. As it turned out, this was not the case. There were archaic words that would elicit cocked heads of confusion from the average person. My saviour from the confusion turned out to be the footnotes in one of the versions I read. The phrase They fall their crests, and like deceitful jades / Sink in the trial becomes They let their necks droop and, like weary nags, fail the test (Brutus, A4 S2, L26/27). One is forced to scrutinise every single word, in order to receive a complete understanding of the goings-on. <p> The unabridged version of Julius Caesar is definitely not a piece one reads in ones free time; rather, it should be considered a serious task. Once you put the book down, you transform from reader to philosopher. You will instinctively begin to ponder the issues in whatever part of the book that you have just completed. I, personally, read one act at a time, then closed my eyes (or reread the act) to mull over what had just transpired. <p> I was left with a better understanding of that portion, and a greater respect for the genius of Shakespeare. <p> I highly recommend it. So, what are you waiting on? Get to it!

    Othello - The Original Classic Edition

    Shakespeare William

    Othello was one of the first plays I was exposed to when I was younger. It has murder, suicide, intrigue and things that would get a teenager into Shakespeare. <p> This is an exceptional version. Its formatted nicely and is easy to read. <p> Iago is one of my favorite of Shakespeares characters. Hes the villain that uses his deep understanding of human nature to engineer the downfall of his enemies, leading them tenderly by the nose[paraphrased]. Without lifting a finger himself, he brings about the deaths of a bunch of people, and is a complicated person because you admire him for his cleverness but you pity him for his unhappiness. <p> I ended up feeling contemptuous of the other characters who are virtuous but too easily manipulated. From the beginning of the play you sense that everyone is doomed, and watching this car wreck happen in slow motion is a good read. <p> Thus far, Othellos my favorite free Shakespeare play. I missed how much of a jerk Iago was, and all the deception that lead to Othello killing Desdemona. <p> Really, if you enjoy Shakespeares plays, then youll enjoy Othello.

    King Lear - The Original Classic Edition

    Shakespeare William

    Shakespeare at his best – King Lear was written at Shakespeares most prolific period, a time in which he rapidly composed Hamlest, Othello, and Macbeth. I believe, without a moments hesitation, that King Lear is his greatest work, and probably the greatest play ever written. <p> The plot moves quickly with excitement and action. The central themes of the play (among which are abandonment, unconditional love, and self-realization) are some of the most serious and important aspects of human nature. The play brings up many important quiestions: Why should we forgive others? Can we ever trust someone? All of these areanswered in this play. <p> I recently saw a professional production of the play, and found myself quickly moving from emotions of fear, to laughing, to wrath, and at the climactic end of the play, breaking down into tears, having been drained by the plays rapid motion and tension. <p> This play will live with you forever.

    A Midsummer Night's Dream - The Original Classic Edition

    Shakespeare William

    A piece of magic on the stage or screen–or on paper! <p> This is probably Shakespeares most delightful comedy, and Im glad I have read it in several editions and seen various versions of the play on large screen, small screen, and stage. I wish schools would teach this instead of trying to get the kids to understand Romeo and Juliet and Julius Caesar. Even if they dont understand this one, they can tell that its fun and somewhat vulgar, with Bottom running around in an asss head and the Queen of the Fairies falling in temporary love with him. Fairy might not yet have had its most recent meaning, but Bottom in an asss head suggested exactly the same thing then that it suggests now <p> While I was getting my doctorate in English, my Shakespeare teacher worshipped Shakespeare instead of enjoying it for what it was worth. She almost went ballistic when somebody pointed out vulgarities and slapstick in the plays, because we too were supposed to worship Shakespeare instead of analyzing him. Sorry, but I was right and she was wrong. Shakespeare was a very bawdy writer, and he enjoyed being bawdy. <p> I thought it was great. Characters like Bottom and Robin Goodfellow were hilarious. Shakespeare seems to know how to make a tangled mess of everyones lives very well. It amazes me his power to make that seem funny at times and then seem incredibly sad at others. I have to say, I really enjoyed this comedy better than his tragedy. <p> Youll read this, and will just fall in love with it.

    Macbeth - The Original Classic Edition

    Shakespeare William

    Macbeth comes out as one of William Shakespeares darkest and murkiest plays, most likely as a result of being written during one of Shakespeares darkest times in his own life. This play strays away from the more common Shakespearean formula that contains a hero and his demise resulting from a specific tragic flaw. <p> In MacBeth, the title character is not a hero, but rather a villian. MacBeth murders the king of Scotland to bring truth to a prophecy given to him by three witches (the famous toil and trouble sisters). After assuming the throne, MacBeth returns to the witches and requests to hear the circumstances of his own death. The witches tell MacBeth he cannot be killed by any man of woman born. Under a false assumption of near immortality, MacBeth relaxes his gaurd and perhaps displays his own tragic flaw of over confidence. <p> Focusing on the power corrupt and merciless villain MacBeth and his dastardly and influential wife Lady MacBeth, this play works as a twisted look into a mind poisioned with greed and hate. Though pessimistic and disturbing, this play must not be dismissed. It contains some of the most poetic language and beautiful lines ever to be written. <p> It is no mystery that MacBeth stands as one of the most quoted works in literature. It is however a mystery that Shakespeare could create something so magnificient in a period when he saw life as …a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. <p> Get this book, and have a good read! Then get more Shakespeare from the same series: you wont be sorry.

    Romeo And Juliet - The Original Classic Edition

    Shakespeare William

    Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written early in the career of playwright William Shakespeare about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately unite their feuding families. It was among Shakespeares most popular archetypal stories of young, teenage lovers. <p> Romeo and Juliet belongs to a tradition of tragic romances stretching back to antiquity. Its plot is based on an Italian tale, translated into verse as The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet by Arthur Brooke in 1562 and retold in prose in Palace of Pleasure by William Painter in 1582. Shakespeare borrowed heavily from both but, to expand the plot, developed supporting characters, particularly Mercutio and Paris. Believed written between 1591 and 1595, the play was first published in a quarto version in 1597. This text was of poor quality, and later editions corrected it, bringing it more in line with Shakespeares original. <p> Shakespeares use of dramatic structure, especially effects such as switching between comedy and tragedy to heighten tension, his expansion of minor characters, and his use of sub-plots to embellish the story, has been praised as an early sign of his dramatic skill. The play ascribes different poetic forms to different characters, sometimes changing the form as the character develops. Romeo, for example, grows more adept at the sonnet over the course of the play. <p> Romeo and Juliet has been adapted numerous times for stage, film, musical and opera. During the Restoration, it was revived and heavily revised by William Davenant. David Garricks 18th-century version also modified several scenes, removing material then considered indecent, and Georg Bendas operatic adaptation omitted much of the action and added a happy ending. Performances in the 19th century, including Charlotte Cushmans, restored the original text, and focused on greater realism. John Gielguds 1935 version kept very close to Shakespeares text, and used Elizabethan costumes and staging to enhance the drama. In the 20th century the play has been adapted in versions as diverse as MGMs comparatively faithful 1936 film, the 1950s stage musical West Side Story, and 1996s MTV-inspired Romeo + Juliet.