Anonymous Anonymous

Список книг автора Anonymous Anonymous

    Wisdom of the Desert Fathers and Mothers

    Anonymous Anonymous

    Foreword by Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove
    In the fourth century, thousands of men and women fled into the Egyptian desert seeking to recapture the passion of the earliest Christians through lives of prayer and solitude.
    As records of the wisdom and purity of these «Desert Fathers and Mothers» spread through the Roman Empire, Christians streamed to their caves seeking counsel on the interior life. The hermits' ascetic practices and sagacious words were a shining witness to a living faith that could be woven into the fabric of daily life—offering timeless wisdom for Christians of any era.
    This volume contains Athanasius' famous The Life of St. Anthony, St. Jerome's The Life of Paul the Hermit, and the collected sayings of many of the desert fathers and mothers. Encouraging humility, patience, prayer, introspection, and love, they teach that contemplative practice opens the door to eternal wisdom for daily life.

    The Cloud of Unknowing

    Anonymous Anonymous

    Foreword by Robert Benson
    A mystical classic now easier to understand
    This spiritual classic has been an enigma for centuries. Notoriously difficult to understand, this contemporary English translation ushers you into the way of knowing God that can be dark at times, and luminous at others. It offers an accessible invitation to enter into God's presence through a «cloud of unknowing.»
    Written by an anonymous fourteenth-century monk, The Cloud of Unknowing has influenced thousands of readers from all walks of life. Each brief chapter offers a way to enter into the life of prayer and appeals to the reader's common sense as you take steps on the path to knowing a God beyond all knowing. A foreword by bestselling author, Robert Benson, special to this edition, will help you to savor the meaning of this unique little book.

    Laura Middleton; Her Brother and her Lover (1890) A classic Victorian erotic novel - The Original Classic Edition

    Anonymous Anonymous

    If anyone told me Id read a Victorian novel in one sitting, Id have never believed it. My English Lit classes in college would have been so much more entertaining with titles like this. According to some sources, this was supposedly written around 1890, which is unbelievable. <p> Its shocking and disgusting, but also a joyous farce. Every inhibition gives way to the ultimate goal of physical pleasure, and in this book, theres a lot of different ways to achieve that goal. Thankfully, there are no animals involved, but almost every other taboo is broken. Its amusing to read all of the various euphemisms and analogies used to describe the sex in great detail. <p> The story of a mans sexual trysts with his girlfriend, then her younger brother, and then all three of them together. Explicit sex scenes without the cuss words; lots of coy, flowery euphemisms of intimate body parts and sexual activities.. oh, yeah, he also gets seduced by the girls fiance. Not advised for children or people of high moral fiber (easily offended by depictions of moral depravity). <p> The whole thing is completely ridiculous, but thats why its able to be so much fun. And I have to say, there are parts where you forget to be disgusted, and its pretty hot.

    The Power of Mesmerism: A Highly Erotic Narrative of Voluptuous Facts and Fancies, by Anonymous - The Original Classic Edition

    Anonymous Anonymous

    If you like Victorian erotica this book is definitely something you dont want to miss. The story ranges from titillating to arousing and is suitable for those with kinky taste or who are looking to enjoy a book that is rather different from the usual. <p> This is a high quality book of the original classic edition. <p> This is a freshly published edition of this culturally important work, which is now, at last, again available to you. <p> Enjoy this classic work. These few paragraphs distill the contents and give you a quick look inside: <p> He gently laid Ethel down on her back, and after waiting to satisfy himself that she was in a fast mesmeric sleep, he placed one throbbing hand on her hip, and gradually raising it till he found the lovely prominence of one charming bosom, then his other hand sought its companion, and he pressed those heaving hills of snow which he felt perfectly under her thin muslin dress. <p> …When he first reached school in Germany he was perfectly innocent, but was speedily initiated into all the mysteries of frigging and prick sucking by his school-fellows, who also used to fuck each other between the thighs, while a third behind received the point of his prick in his mouth each time it was pressed forward and sucked out every drop of spend that he could obtain. <p> …The masters prick was again furiously erect, so throwing the birch down again he took a small pot of cold cream and produced an implement somewhat resembling an artificial prick (it was in fact a dildo), which he plentifully rubbed with the ointment, then taking more on his finger, approached the boy, and pressing apart the cheeks of his bottom, began to anoint the tight, wrinkled bumhole with it, gradually inserting his finger further and further inside. <p> …He next proceeded with both hands, which he passed in front of the boys belly, and seized his glorious prick and balls, and while fucking him in the bottom, frigged him also, now stopping, and then again proceeding with rapidity, until at last the boy spent profusely, at the same moment that the master deposited within him his exhilarating emission. <p> …Madame G??, not to be behind hand, again seated herself astraddle the victims waist, and rubbing her opened cunt in the spendings that still remained on her back from the previous fucking that had taken place there, frigged herself thus, as Frank increased her excitement and pleasure by working his moistened finger in the wrinkled bum-hole she presented to his view, to her intense enjoyment.

    Forbidden Fruit - The Original Classic Edition

    Anonymous Anonymous

    An Edwardian Style Treatment Of An Erotic Education. <p> This book is a treatment, in the Victorian/Edwardian style, of a young mans erotic education at the hands of the several female relatives and staff who live where he does. <p> His aunt begins the process, followed by both of the available domestic staff, who are initially encumbered by their virginal state. A wide range of activities is included in the curriculm, including the birch. His mother then takes a particularly close interest, having developed an earlier taste for such family affairs along with her brother and sister. <p> Our hero also becomes involved with a local woman and her daughters, ensuring that he is well supplied with willing partners. It is a promising overall scenario, well developed in a classic Victorian erotic novel. <p> It contains graphic sexual descriptions and themes.

    My Secret Life, Volumes I. to III. - The Original Classic Edition

    Anonymous Anonymous

    This book is a fascinating and in-depth look at Victorian lower class prostitutes and their upper class client base. <p> The anonymous author, a decidedly upper class gentleman apparently went through at least three fortunes which underwrote his obsessive need for paid sex, which lasted from his teenage until his death which seems to have occurred sometime in his 60s or perhaps a bit later. Internal clues are few, and some of what is thought to be known about him is based on the assumption that he was Henry Spencer Ashbee, a director of the Ashmolean museum and a writer on the fine arts. But the truth is we do not know who Anonymous really was. He takes the name Walter when he mentions himself, but often disguises the prosutitutes names as well, and also the names of the bordellos he favors. some of which are upscale and expensive. However his disguises are transparent and anybody with a little creativity can penetrate them. <p> What Walter did was something like what Casanova did before him, write an account of his amours. But unlike Casanova, Walter wrote only about his sexual life, ignoring absolutely everything else. And also unlike Casanova, who reconstructed his life from memory in his old age, Walter kept a daily journal, making his disclosures infinitely more immediate, circumstantial, and realistic. He quotes at great length his lewd dialogues with his whores of choice, often enough not whores at all–yet–but servant girls tempted by his offers of large sums of money to let him have a little poke.He particularly loved to get hold of virgins, but liked his women of all ages, nationalities, (he spoke several European languages) body types, dispositions, hair colors, length of pubic hair and even smells. He could be aroused sometimes by an odor that at other times would repulse him, plunge into sexually promising situations in the very roughest parts of town without thinking twice, pay what to us would seem outrageous prices when he was absolutely determined to have his way, and record it all in clear, simple prose, from a somewhat detached point of view, which made clear that he had little or no feeling for these women as human beings, but took the Victorian upper class view, that they were simply unfortunates, that his paying them was a great benefit to them for which they should be grateful, and that their welfare or happiness beyond that had nothing to do with him. <p> A modern writer, believed Walter suffered from satyriasis, the obsessive, compulsive need to have sexual intercourse.Indeed he had prodigious desires and sexual bouts, in which he would have repeated connections with one or more whores over as long as a three day period. And he could and did go spoony on a particular woman, and want only her for a week, a month or more, before getting his fill of her and moving on. He seemed to both love and hate the fact that whores lied as a matter of course, and fancied himself able to unmask their schemes and see through to what he imagined was the truth. <p> This is not a book of uncomplcated pornography, but rather a fascinating study of a very unusual man and a well fleshed out picture of the particular underclass, from 1850s to 1890s London, with whom he preferred to spend his entire life. <p> There are no other sexual autobiographies that are as long, as unselfconscious, as descriptive and thorough as this one. A completely unique and rewarding piece of sexual Victoriana.

    The Romance of Lust - The Original Classic Edition

    Anonymous Anonymous

    The Romance of Lust, or Early Experiences is a Victorian erotic novel published anonymously in four volumes during the years 1873?1876 by William Lazenby. Henry Spencer Ashbee, bibliophile, bibliographer, merchant, and expert on the writer Cervantes, discusses this novel in one of his bibliographies of erotic literature. In addition the compilers of British Museum General Catalogue of Printed Books list this book. <p> The novel is told in first person, and the protagonist of the novel is Charlie Roberts. Charlie possesses a large penis, much virility, and a seemingly insatiable sexual appetite. The novel begins with ?There were three of us ? Mary, Eliza, and myself.? Charlie describes his sexual initiation as an adolescent ? as he is ?approaching fifteen?. He catalogs his sexual experiences including incest with his sisters Eliza and Mary, sex with his governesses, and his later sexual exploits with various male and female friends, and acquaintances. Besides incest, the book deals with a variety of sexual activities, including orgies, masturbation, lesbianism, flagellation, fellatio, cunnilingus, gay sex, anal sex, and double penetration. Taboo subjects such as homosexuality, incest, and pedophilia are common themes in the novel.