Michael Oard

Список книг автора Michael Oard

    Flood By Design

    Michael Oard

    There are features on the earth's surface that science cannot explain with theories of changes over millions or even billions of years by the geographic processes that we see occurring commonly today. However, when you explore the evidence from a biblical worldview, the geological features marking the planet's surface make sense given the worldview catastrophic flood described in the book of Genesis. Join author Mike Oard as he explores what is termed as «the retreating stage of the flood» – the seven month-period when the waters receded and the landscapes which are familiar to us were formed by a myriad of processes like uplifts and sinking, erosion, and more, which answer important questions regarding: Unusual dispersals of rocks over hundred of miles How quickly mountains and valleys were carved Emergence of continents and the formation of ocean basins Percussions marks shaped by vast and violently moving water Why very gradual erosion and deposits of soil cannot explain surface formations The study of geomorphology and what it can reveal Flood by Design  takes you into a fascinating aspect of the Genesis flood you may never have considered. Examine unusual rock formations and evidence that only the biblical flood model can fully explain. Filled with many photographs and easy-to-understand illustrations and charts, the books is a powerful source of research and answers for high school students and beyond.

    Frozen in Time

    Michael Oard

    Earth's past is littered with the mysterious and unexplained: the pyramids, Easter Island, Stonehenge, dinosaurs, and the list goes on and on as science looks for clues to decipher these puzzles.One such mystery surrounds the now-extinct creature called the woolly mammoth. Author and meteorologist Michael Oard has studied the mammoth and its equally mysterious time period, the Ice Age, for many years and has come to some fascinating conclusions to help lift the fog engulfing the facts. Some of the questions he addresses include: What would cause the summer temperatures of the northern United States and European to plummet more than 50 degrees Fahrenheit? Why did mammoths become extinct across the entire earth at the same time as many other large mammals? Why are the mammoth carcasses found generally in standing positions? How could large lakes exist in what are today very dry, desert-like places? What was the source of the abnormal of moisture necessary for heavy snow? What caused the cold summer temperatures and heavy snowfall to persist for hundreds of years? In logical progression many other Ice Age topics are explained including super Ice Age floods, ice cores, man in the Ice Age, and the number of ice ages. This is one of the most difficult eras in geological history for a uniformitarian scientist (one who believes the earth evolved by slow processes over millions of years) to explain, simply because long ages of evolution cannot explain it. Provided here are plausible explanations of the seemingly unsolvable mysterious about the Ice Age and the woolly mammoths – Frozen in Time.

    The New Weather Book

    Michael Oard