Fact or fantasy?-If this extraordinary account of one person's journey into the spirit world and Heaven is true, as the author, A.W. Trenholm claims, then astounding events such as our planet has never experienced are about to transpire. Fascinating reading for all ages, this book could change your perspective on life, now and into eternity. Join Travis as he travels through the vastness of space in a living spacecraft named Lambda. Experience the enormity and beauty of New Jerusalem; the Heavenly City being constructed to house millions of souls from earth. See behind the veil that shrouds our present dimension in darkness, and discover what forces there are at work for and against us in this great battle.
Over forty years as a missionary traveling through four continents has brought A. W. Trenholm in contact with many divergent doctrines and, often, misrepresentations of the existence, nature, and purpose of hell. Hell is usually represented as a place of eternal suffering, but in his own journey there, unlike in Dante's trip to the Inferno, Trenholm was directed by what the Bible actually says about it, all the while escorted by a very lovely and knowledgeable guide. He discovered a hell vastly different from the one he had been led to expect and came to realize that many of his notions about the devil and the eternal fate of souls were not as fixed as he had thought. He found that, surprisingly, demons are not confined to a burning lake of fire. In fact no one was–at least not yet.
A senior living in the future finds that he is on the wrong side of the law and has become a criminal because of his outdated convictions. His entire mindset and lifestyle have made him a “person of interest” to the rulers of the new world in which he lives. Progressively marginalized almost to the point of extinction by new laws and requirements of an all-powerful government, his life is difficult. As he goes about doing what he needs to do to survive, he finds himself instructing and helping many normal everyday people who oppose the state mandate requiring all to be branded with a mark in their hand or forehead. Clinging to an old Book, which has long been a capital offense to own or disseminate, he finds that its words give him comfort and understanding. He is eventually arrested and taken to a state-run compound for “rehabilitation”. There he discovers the mysterious power that the words of the Book have, as he becomes the leader of a prison escape and mass exodus to the mountains. So begins the greatest testing of his faith that he has ever known.