The first of two novellas set in the world of Kiera Cass's No. 1 New York Times bestselling Selection series – Prince Maxon’s story!Before America arrived at the palace to compete in the Selection, there was another girl in Prince Maxon's life.‘The Prince’ opens the week before the Selection begins and follows Maxon through the first day of the competition.A captivating view into the heart of Prince Maxon before he fights to win America Singer's love.
The first of two novellas set in the world of Kiera Cass's No. 1 New York Times bestselling Selection series – Prince Maxon’s story!Before America arrived at the palace to compete in the Selection, there was another girl in Prince Maxon's life.‘The Prince’ opens the week before the Selection begins and follows Maxon through the first day of the competition.A captivating view into the heart of Prince Maxon before he fights to win America Singer's love.
The new enovella from Number One New York Times bestselling author Kiera Cass – set in the Selection world.Before America Singer's story began, another girl came to the palace to compete for the hand of a different prince….This prequel story takes place before the events of The Selection and is told from the point of view of Prince Maxon's mother, Amberly. Discover a whole new Selection with this inside look at how Maxon's parents met—and how an ordinary girl named Amberly became a beloved queen.
35 suitors entered the Selection. Only 1 will win her heart. The fifth and final captivating novel in Kiera Cass’s #1 New York Times bestselling Selection series!In The Heir, a new era dawned in the world of The Selection. Twenty years have passed since America Singer and Prince Maxon fell in love, and their daughter is the first princess to hold a Selection of her own.Eadlyn didn’t think she would find a real partner among the Selection’s thirty-five suitors, let alone true love. But sometimes the heart has a way of surprising you… and now Eadlyn must make a choice that feels more difficult – and more important – than she ever expected.
The Selection gets fierce as rivals stake their claim on the Prince.Six girls, one life-changing prize…America Singer will leave her pre-destined life for a world of glamour and luxury, if she wins…But surviving The Selection is tough. Rivals are battling to become Prince Maxon’s bride as the threat of rebel violence just beyond the palace walls escalates into war.Only six girls are left and sworn friendships are tested to breaking point. America’s feelings for Maxon grow stronger, but she suspects darker mysteries in his royal past. With ex-lover Aspen waiting for her in the shadows, where do her loyalties truly lie?
Thirty-five beautiful girls. Thirty-five beautiful rivals…It’s the chance of a lifetime and 17-year-old America Singer should feel lucky. She has been chosen for The Selection, a reality TV lottery in which the special few compete for gorgeous Prince Maxon’s love.Swept up in a world of elaborate gowns, glittering jewels and decadent feasts, America is living a new and glamorous life. And the prince takes a special interest in her, much to the outrage of the others.Rivalry within The Selection is fierce and not all of the girls are prepared to play by the rules. But what they don’t know is that America has a secret – one which could throw the whole competition… and change her life forever.
A companion volume to the bestselling The Selection series – extra stories and never-before-seen material. Fans should prepare to swoon!The achingly romantic and stylish four The Selection enovellas – The Prince, The Guard, The Queen and The Favorite – together in one irresistible volume. Plus exclusive extra content – Art for each of the novellas, a new intro for each of the novellas and 3 brand new scenes from each of the first 3 novels.
Холлис Брайт выросла в замке Керескен. Как и многие девушки из знатных семей, она страстно хочет добиться внимания молодого и красивого короля. Когда тот заявляет о своей любви к ней, Холлис шокирована и взволнована одновременно. Мечта покорить сердце Джеймсона стала реальностью. Но вскоре Холлис понимает, что ее совсем не устраивает жизнь коронованной королевы. К тому же она знакомится с Сайласом, который завоевывает ее сердце. И Холлис решается на разрыв с королевским суженым. Полная радужных надежд, она вместе с Сайласом покидает двор. Но удастся ли Холлис устроить свою жизнь так, как ей мечтается? И будет ли эта жизнь долгой и счастливой? Впервые на русском языке!
Настало время провозгласить победительницу! Ту единственную, которой достанется сердце принца Максона и корона в придачу. Сначала их было тридцать пять. Тридцать пять девушек, борющихся за то, чтобы стать избранницей принца Максона. Очутившись по воле случая в числе девушек, утвержденных для участия в Отборе, Америка и мечтать не могла, что в один прекрасный день окажется в одном шаге от победы. Но чем ближе конец состязания и чем сильнее обостряется обстановка за стенами королевского дворца, тем отчетливей Америка понимает, как много стоит на кону и как ожесточенно придется бороться за будущее, к которому она стремится… Впервые на русском языке! "Kiera Cass THE ONE Copyright © 2014 by Kiera Cass All rights reserved © И. Тетерина, перевод, 2014 © ООО «Издательская Группа „Азбука-Аттикус“», 2014 Издательство АЗБУКА®"