Edmond Hamilton

Список книг автора Edmond Hamilton

    Captain Future 08: Im Zeitstrom verschollen

    Edmond Hamilton

    Als ein junger Abenteurer auf seiner Schatzsuche einen Hilferuf wahrnimmt, ist er wild entschlossen zu helfen. Doch der Hilferuf kommt wohl viele Millionen Jahre aus der Vergangenheit. Eine Zeitmaschine muss her, und wer, wenn nicht Captain Future, könnte eine solche bauen?
    Gemeinsam mit dem jungen Abenteurer machen sich Curtis Newton und seine Futuremen auf den Weg in die Vergangenheit, und es wird allerhöchste Zeit, denn die Existenz eines Planeten mitsamt seiner Bevölkerung steht auf dem Spiel. Ob Captain Future das traurige Ende einer Zivilisation verhindern kann?

    Captain Future 09: Jenseits der Sterne

    Edmond Hamilton

    Band 9 der kultigen Space Opera rund um Captain Future mit Illustrationen, Leserbriefen und Zusatzmaterial aus den Original-Pulps
    Merkur ist in Gefahr: Luft und Wasser sind knapp und ein Großteil der Bevölkerung muss dringend evakuiert werden, doch die Einheimischen wollen ihre Heimat nicht verlassen. Captain Future verspricht ihnen, den Planeten zu retten.
    Gemeinsam mit seinen Freunden Grag, Otho und dem Gehirn Simon Wright begibt sich Curtis Newton auf Suche nach der Quelle der Materie, denn die soll Gerüchten zufolge irgendwo im Zentrum der Milchstraße liegen. Ob es ihm und seinen Futuremen gelingt, Luft und Wasser zurück auf den Merkur zu bringen?

    The Second Satellite

    Edmond Hamilton

    The discovery of a second satellite leads to an Earth-men war on frog-vampires for the emancipation of the human cows of Earth's second satellite.

    Fantastic Stories Presents the Imagination (Stories of Science and Fantasy) Super Pack

    Edmond Hamilton

    Imagination' was one of the most successful science fiction magazines of its time. While many of it contemporaries tried to push literary boundaries, 'Imagination' focused on adventure and space opera, assuring its financial success. Here are some of the finest stories ever to appear in its pages. Over 200,000 words of pulse-pounding adventure fiction. 'Mr. Spaceship' by Philip K. Dick 'The Mind Digger' by Winston Marks 'Earth Alert!' by Kris Neville 'Stopover Planet' by Robert E. Gilbert 'Voyage to Eternity' by Milton Lesser 'Spacemen Never Die!' by Morris Hershman 'Brown John’s Body' by Winston Marks 'Spillthrough' by Daniel F. Galouye 'The Legion Of Lazarus' by Edmond Hamilton 'The Beasts In The Void' by Paul W. Fairman 'The Star Lord' by Boyd Ellanby 'The Invader' by Alfred Coppel 'Prison Of A Billion Years' by C. H. Thames (Milton Lesser) 'Prelude To Space' by Robert W. Haseltine 'Spies Die Hard!' by Arnold Marmor 'The Minus Woman' by Russ Winterbotham 'The Dictator' by Milton Lesser 'Adolescents Only' by Irving Cox, Jr. 'Goodbye, Dead Man!' by Tom W. Harris 'Native Son' by T. D. Hamm 'Dogfight—1973' by Mack Reynolds 'Cancer World' by Harry Warner, Jr. 'Mr. Chipfellow's Jackpot' by Dick Purcell 'The Graveyard Of Space' by Milton Lesser 'There Is A Reaper' by Charles V. De Vet 'Zero Hour' by Alexander Blade 'Piper in the Woods' by Philip K. Dick

    Day of the Micro-Men

    Edmond Hamilton

    To Gurth, the freedom of his race was the aim of his life—and he faces tortures unbearable to bring the Micro-Men into their own—until he finds the very Earth shrinking beneath him!

    The Edmond Hamilton MEGAPACK ®

    Edmond Hamilton

    Edmond Hamilton. For most people, this name conjures visions of two-fisted space opera – pure pulp science fiction. And Hamilton – known as the author of the «Captain Future» series – was indeed one of the foremost writers of pulp space opera. Over the years, as his work became more polished and sophisticated, he evolved into far more than that: a visionary of the future whose imagination knew no bounds. He was truly a cosmic writer, as stories such as «Devolution» (in this collection) demonstrate. If you are interested in pulp science fiction at its pulpiest, look no farther. Edmond Hamilton is the author for you. <P> Included in this volume: <P> THE DOOR INTO INFINITY<BR> THE LEGION OF LAZARUS<BR> DREAMER'S WORLDS<BR> THE CITY AT WORLD'S END<BR> THE WORLD WITH A THOUSAND MOONS<BR> THE STARS, MY BROTHERS<BR> THE SARGASSO OF SPACE<BR> THE MAN WHO SAW THE FUTURE<BR> THE MONSTER-GOD OF MAMURTH<BR> THE MAN WHO RETURNED<BR> THE SECOND SATELLITE<BR> MONSTERS OF MARS<BR> THE MAN WHO EVOLVED<BR> DEVOLUTION<BR> THE BIRTHPLACE OF CREATION<BR> CORRIDORS OF THE STARS <P> And don't forget to search this ebook store for «Wildside Megapack» to see more great entries in this series, covering mysteries, westerns, science fiction, historical, and much, much more!