
Список книг автора Cicero

    Vom höchsten Gut und vom größten Übel


    Der römische Philosoph und Politiker Cicero erläutert in seinem fünf Bücher umfassenden «De finibus bonorum et malorum» die philosophische Sicht auf den Epikureismus, die Stoa und den Platonismus nach Antiochus von Askalon. Zusammen mit den kurz danach geschriebenen Tusculanae disputationes («Gespräche in Tusculum») ist De finibus das umfangreichste philosophische Werk Ciceros. Gewidmet ist das Werk Marcus Iunius Brutus.

    The Letters, Volume 3


    Cicero's letters to and from various public and private figures are considered some of the most reliable sources of information for the people and events surrounding the fall of the Roman Republic. This is volume three out of four with Cicero's letters from the years B.C. 48 through B.C. 44.

    The Orations, Volume 3


    Cicero is considered one of Rome's greatest orators and prose stylists. His works rank among the most influential in European culture, and today still constitute one of the most important bodies of primary material for the writing and revision of Roman history. This is volume three out of four with his brilliant orations.

    The Ethical Writings


    Cicero, a Roman statesman, lawyer, political theorist, philosopher, and Roman constitutionalist, played a critical role in the transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. Even today he has a major influence on Western philosophy, politics and literature. This book contains four of his ethical writings, namely On Moral Duties (De Officiis), On Old Age (De Senectute), On Friendship (De Amicitia) and Scipio's Dream.



    The Letters, Volume 4


    Vom Staat


    Philosophische Schriften


    Laelius de amicitia
