Michael Murphy

Список книг автора Michael Murphy

    Leading for Differentiation

    Michael Murphy

    To differentiate instruction is to act on the belief that all kids deserve access to the richest, most compelling learning experiences and to provide the scaffolding they need to seize that opportunity. While a handful of teachers in a school might be using differentiation to great success, it takes a collaborative, schoolwide approach to maximize differentiation's effectiveness and improve outcomes for all students. Leading for Differentiation lays out the reflective thinking and action-oriented steps necessary to launch a system of continuous professional learning, culture building, and program assessment that will allow differentiation to flourish in every classroom. Incorporating their own experienced insights, real-world examples, and practical tools, world-renowned differentiated instruction expert Carol Ann Tomlinson and change leadership authority Michael Murphy explore * Why a move to schoolwide differentiation makes so much sense for today's students and today's standards- and accountability-focused climate * How to transform a vision for schoolwide differentiation into manageable, year-by-year plans to achieve it * How to incorporate the principles of differentiation, motivation, and adult learning into respectful, responsive, and truly effective professional learning throughout all stages of the change initiative * How to foster and recognize growth in teachers' differentiation practices, and how to chart the impact differentiation is having on student learning * How to recognize, understand, and respond to resistance—in both its predictable forms and surprising ones * What schoolwide differentiation looks like when it's fully established, and how to tend to it for long-term success Leading the change to a differentiated school means creating an environment in which each individual feels valued, challenged, supported, and part of a team working together for success. In this book, school leaders will learn how to set the course for positive change and create the structural supports that will help teachers grow as differentiators so that their students will thrive as learners.

    The 5 Percenter

    Michael Murphy

    At age 54, Michael Murphy's life drastically changed… but he refused to give up. The doctors thought he wouldn't live. And when he did, those same doctors thought he would never walk again. Today Mike is in better shape than he was at 40. And he’s back on the golf course walking 18 holes and shooting in the 80s.
    A “5 Percenter” is a patient who survives sudden cardiac arrest and a severe lack of oxygen to the brain—only 5% survive that trauma. These survivors experience what is referred to as an anoxic Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). In this book, Mike Murphy tells the inspiring story of his TBI, his survival and recovery.
    Against all odds—and after years of physical therapy, an indomitable spirit and the love and support of friends and family—Mike is walking, golfing and living life to the fullest.
    The 5 Percenter is a story of how strength, love and golf drove a remarkable recovery and a chance to embrace life and those he loves with renewed passion and joy.