Richard Carlson

Список книг автора Richard Carlson

    Stop Thinking, Start Living

    Richard Carlson

    Revolutionary in its simplicity and accessible to all, this bestselling book offers commonsense methods that allow you to let go of depression and tap into natural joy.In this indispensable handbook, Richard Carlson demonstrates how we can change everything in our lives – earn more money, meet new friends, get a new job – yet still feel dissatisfied. Happiness, he says, is not 'out there' but within, a state of mind that is independent of circumstance: 'If you begin to see that your thoughts are not the real thing – they're just thoughts and as thoughts they can't hurt you – your entire life will begin to change today.'Carlson's step-by-step guide explains:• How your thoughts determine how you feel.• Why thinking about problems only makes them worse.• That thoughts come and go – you are free to choose at any moment which to hold on to and which to let go.• Straightforward methods for conquering depression.• How to dismiss negative thoughts and discover inner contentment.• How to overcome lifelong pessimism and start really living.

    You Can Be Happy No Matter What

    Richard Carlson

    Happiness is Not Around the Corner; it’s Right Here, Right now Do you find yourself waiting for the best part of your life to begin? Or those things will get better soon? Dr. Richard Carlson, author who helped millions of readers stop sweating the small stuff, reminds us all You Can Be Happy No Matter What . Interactive Edition: In this interactive edition, people can experience the book in a wholly new way with Carlson’s narration, illuminating passages about living joyfully in the present moment. This handbook for happiness is based on proven psychology, the Principles of Thought, covering thought, mood, separate realties and feelings. Every moment of every day, our minds are working to make sense out of what we see and experience; yet this is one of the least understood principles in our psychological makeup. Carlson’s breakthrough work here in understanding the nature of thought can be the foundation to a fully functional life. Dr. Richard Carlson’s wise words in his own voice bring new dimension and understanding of awakening to your own happiness. This superlative interactive book aids anyone in understanding the ups and downs of life and how to build resilience. Most importantly, Carlson reminds us to not let the downside get in the way of living joyfully, despite the daily challenges we all face. In his own words, “Happiness is a state of mind, not a set of circumstances.”