Theodor Ventskevich

Список книг автора Theodor Ventskevich

    Buy or Die. There cometh a time of ruthless advertising

    Theodor Ventskevich

    A story about a world where advertising knows no mercy. The life of the people turns into an endless series of fights for their money, time, and convictions. These fights may seem petty and sad, absurd and funny, but in the end, the fights are always lost. The main character invents Jack of Air for his kids – an imaginary fearless hero who never loses. Will Jack be able to help his creator after the latter gets into real trouble?

    Spoiled Journey. The Roads That Take Us

    Theodor Ventskevich

    This book may appear to be too serious a read for not serious people and it is absolutely not serious reading for serious people. I am selling it here in case there are several people who are still at a loss as to whether they are serious enough or not.Siri goes on a deadly journey through a completely insane world to find his old friends. He will meet a crying dog, a werewolf princess, an exceptionally foul-mouthed infant, a quarter doctor, a time traveler, a mad sorceress and much, much more.