We live in the era of the Mesozoic era, Antiquity and the Middle Ages. We dance the minuet, listen to the clash of swords and the sighs of the first steam engines. We ride through the empire of Genghis Khan, compose poems with the warriors of the Inca Empire, plunge into the world of the social experiment of Red Russia. We participate in the Second World War. Let’s explore big and small wars after War.We are looking for truths.We are the World
History of Russia from Alexander the First to Vladimir Lenin. The history of money at the same time. See the obverse of the past embodied in the present. Some materials were presented in another author’s book – “The History of almost Everything. Practical guide of the eaters of Time”.
Die Lichtgeschwindigkeit. Perpetual Motion. Zeitmaschine. Antigravitation. Kommunikation ähnlicher Formen. Teleportation Sensationelle Erlebnisse auf dem Küchentisch. Klassische Wissenschaft. Die Welt ist in einem neuen Licht. Es ist teurer als Geld.
Tajne laboratorium «Lazaret». Nieograniczone finansowanie i możliwości. Eksperymenty wykraczające poza granice rozumu. Połączenie ludzkich dusz, jak połączenie komputerowe, jaką nową boską psychikę tworzy? Nie tylko rozumowanie jest nauką w działaniu; schematy, rysunki, projekty, romantyczne marzenia i mroczne pragnienia. Czy ludzie sami znajdą drogę do Raju?
La velocità della luce. Moto perpetuo. Macchina del tempo. Antigravità. Comunicazione di forme simili. Teletrasporto. Esperienze sensazionali sul tavolo della cucina. Scienza classica. Il mondo è sotto una nuova luce. È più costoso del denaro.
The speed of light. Perpetual Motion. Time Machine. Antigravity. Communication of similar forms. Teleportation. Sensational experiences on the kitchen table. Classical science. The world is in a new light. It is more expensive than money.