There was no academic book presenting the biographies of the pioneers of South American Adventism. There were just short devotional works about the experiences of one or more Adventist missionaries. This book showcases the life and work of those who established the Seventh-day Adventist Church in South America. It is a text prepared with historical rigour, true to available sources, spreads the work of Adventist missionaries in these lands and promotes the fulfillment of evangelical mission in present day. However, its contents are presented in an enjoyable and inspiring way. This work contains the biographies of twelve of the foundational missionaries of South American Adventism. The areas in which they contributed to mission are diverse: evangelization, administration, medical work, publishing ministry, educational work and social service. All of them, men and women, adult and young, owning big ideals and a spirit of sacrifice that invite emulation.
La vida y el legado de quienes vivieron antes que nosotros se vinculan con el entorno cultural y religioso en el que vivimos. Este libro es el fruto de la visión de su autor, basado en sus registros personales y en el recuerdo de sus experiencias. La editorial incorporó fotos e ilustraciones porque la historia se comprende mejor cuando se lee y se contempla. Recomendamos la lectura de esta obra. Su contenido iluminará la visión de la labor de los pioneros y en particular de la misión que desarrolló el autor de este libro. Que el esfuerzo realizado en la difusión del evangelio en épocas remotas sirva de inspiración para cada lector en nuestros días.
This edition has incorporated some more details about the persons whose life stories are presented. This book exposes a pending debt to fill an existing gap in the historic area. That debt continues to be to recognize the fervour and enthusiasm to communicate the Gospel that guided many women. These women dedicated their lives in a self-sacrificing and laborious way to contribute to establish and strengthen the spreading of the Adventists beliefs in the countries that make up the present South American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This work recounts the story of some of those women. All of them have been women of faith, with their struggles and heartaches, but also with hope and victories in Christ. Their lives, their dedication and their leadership inspired in others an intense longing to be sons and daughters of God. Their passion for doing good and honouring God gave fruits that today leave us indebted to them. It is the author's desire that this book doesn't just fill a historic void, but that it motivates and inspires the development of all the potential of the woman filled with the Spirit of God that she may reflect His grace and mercy towards human beings.