Entrepreneurship can be an ideal career option for enterprising individuals with Asperger Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and this detailed guide explains how to tell if being self-employed is right for you and how to go about starting and growing your own business. Written by a successful entrepreneur and business consultant with Asperger Syndrome, this book provides all the guidance you need on the practicalities of starting up a company. The unique strengths that people with Asperger Syndrome can bring to a new business venture are highlighted and solutions are offered for elements of entrepreneurship that can create stumbling blocks such as developing working relationships within your company, marketing yourself and your business, managing finances, networking and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Full of pragmatic advice, case studies from established business owners with Asperger Syndrome and practical tools for professional development, this is an essential startup handbook for anyone on the spectrum considering making the leap to becoming an entrepreneur.
People with Asperger Syndrome (AS) often struggle with change and this is magnified when it is part of their professional role to manage and lead change. Written by a business leader with Asperger Syndrome, this practical guide provides advice and strategies for coping with and implementing change in the workplace. Combining theory and practice with case studies and hands-on tools, the book aims to help those who find change particularly difficult to overcome these challenges and use their unique talents and skills to become change champions in the workplace. The book explores the change management life cycle and how it affects leaders with AS and teaches key skills for successfully leading change, preparing staff for change, and dealing with the effects of change on the organisation as a whole. This is a vital leadership development handbook for executive-level business professionals with Asperger Syndrome as well as those who aspire to careers in these roles.