Baby & Toddler Opposites Books

Скачать книги из серии Baby & Toddler Opposites Books

    That's Different!: Opposites Books for Kids

    Speedy Publishing LLC

    Understanding the concepts of same and different is essential in honing your child's communication, math and analytic skills. This special book of opposites is especially designed for the young readers. It contains definitions that will challenge your child's reading and comprehensive skills. It also helps improve his/her vocabulary through the introduction of commonly paired words. Mastering these concepts will help your child with his/her math too!

    This Then That: Opposites Books for Kids

    Speedy Publishing LLC

    Opposites are among the most important concepts that children need to learn. Knowledge of the subject will allow children to understand words and their meanings, learn to follow directions, provide descriptions and even engage in classroom discussion. Hence, if your child understands the concept of opposites, he/she will become better prepared to excel in both social and academic settings. Buy a copy today!