English for Life Learner’s Book for the Senior Phase is an integrated language and literature series for Home Language. It offers a wide selection of texts and activities that cover all the requirements of the latest National Curriculum Statement.
The series • follows a learner-centred approach and includes self-, peer and group work and assessment • enables learners to arrive at and demonstrate insight and understanding through active participation, discussion and negotiation • develops effective communication strategies and language skills, which are integrated and related to real-life situations, allowing learners to converse spontaneously and to deliver speeches • challenges, encourages and supports learners in the planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation of their own learning • develops a critical awareness of spoken and written language and of visual texts • provides a wide range of study notes and integrated language activities • provides opportunities to plan and write a variety of transactional and creative texts • guides learners to relate to what they read and to how they view the world they live in • provides exam papers for revision purposes.