New Covenant Commentary Series

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    Jarvis J. Williams

    Jarvis Williams' commentary on Galatians is a commentary of one of Paul's most rhetorically charged and polemically sharp letters. Williams writes a commentary of the letter, not a commentary of commentaries. He grounds the letter in grammatical-historical exegesis, seeking to help readers understand Paul's Greco-Roman and Second Temple Jewish context of the letter. Additionally, the book seeks to move from exegesis to application in a few places in the commentary. The strength of the commentary is that it offers a lucid and concise exegesis grounded in Paul's first century context and applicable for twenty-first century readers.

    Acts, Part Two

    Youngmo Cho

    This book is one of the many commentaries on the book of Acts. In other words, it does not deal with a unique topic but one that borders on banality, yet of utmost importance. Without doubt, it will suffice its role of moving one step closer to a complete understanding of the complex picture that Luke drew. This commentary has been written by two Asian scholars with different theological backgrounds and thus will provide an unprecedented perspective. This commentary pays attention to the historical background and to the narrative, theological, and rhetorical texture of the text in Acts. In particular, the periodical essays at the end of sections or chapters–"Fusing the Horizons"–reflect on what the text means for the new covenant community in terms of its theological message, application, and community and spiritual formation. This is one of the many notable characteristics of this commentary. Moreover, this is an approachable and readable commentary by anyone who is interested in Acts.

    Acts, Part One

    Youngmo Cho

    This book is one of the many commentaries on the book of Acts. In other words, it does not deal with a unique topic but one that borders on banality, yet of utmost importance. Without doubt, it will suffice its role of moving one step closer to a complete understanding of the complex picture that Luke drew. This commentary has been written by two Asian scholars with different theological backgrounds and thus will provide an unprecedented perspective. This commentary pays attention to the historical background and to the narrative, theological, and rhetorical texture of the text in Acts. In particular, the periodical essays at the end of sections or chapters–"Fusing the Horizons"–reflect on what the text means for the new covenant community in terms of its theological message, application, and community and spiritual formation. This is one of the many notable characteristics of this commentary. Moreover, this is an approachable and readable commentary by anyone who is interested in Acts.

    1 Timothy

    Aída Besançon Spencer

    A thorough and insightful commentary on Paul's letter to his coworker Timothy, which the Apostle wrote before and during Nero's persecution. Spencer carefully examines each part of the letter and relates it to the overall flow of the argument and in light of the larger biblical, historical, social, and cultural contexts. How Paul's writing related to the ancient communities is highlighted in the light of original data gleaned from her explorations on location in Ephesus and throughout Greece. In addition, Paul's rhetorical and ministry strategies, especially as they relate to women and their role in the church, are explored. Throughout, Spencer presents an in-depth exegesis in a readable format enhanced by forty years of ministry.

    The Epistles of John

    Samuel M. Ngewa

    While the message of the Bible remains the same, different insights may add new light. In this commentary attempt is made to interact with the text of the letters of John, especially as we have it in the Greek New Testament. The meaning of the word is not seen as the end but only as the basis upon which to relate the message to the present needs of the church.
    The church is both guardian of truth and instrument of love. These two themes are repeatedly found in the epistles of John, and as they are discussed in this commentary the writer seeks to provoke the reader to reflect on how he/she can keep on improving in them. In our times, with so many displaced persons, hospitality is increasingly becoming an aspect of Christian love the church cannot run away from. These are matters that this book calls attention to, as they are raised by the biblical text itself.
    I am grateful to others who have also given their time and energy in providing their insights on the same epistles. May the Lord use all the efforts to build a strong church for our time and many years to come!


    Diane G. Chen

    In this highly readable and engaging commentary on the Gospel of Luke, Diane Chen introduces her readers to the particularities of the world of Jesus, steeped in Jewish history and convictions yet threatened by Roman power and hegemony. In story after story, Chen brings to focus the diligence of a faithful historian, the artistry of a masterful storyteller, and the courage of an insightful theologian behind this well-loved Gospel. In it Luke presents God's plan of salvation in the birth and death, word and deed, and identity and mission of Jesus of Nazareth–a plan that is unapologetically counterintuitive: the proud is humbled and the lowly is lifted up; the ostracized is embraced and the religious elite is rejected. Modern readers will receive more than a lucid explanation of the biblical text; they will be challenged to find their own place in Jesus' story, one that encourages self-reflection and necessitates a personal response.

    1 Corinthians

    B. J. Oropeza

    This compact commentary on 1 Corinthians is both readable and full of insights that will engage students, ministers, and scholars alike. The Apostle Paul writes to a relatively new church in which members are failing to maintain solidarity with other members. They struggle to find their unique place in Roman society as Gentile followers of Jewish leaders that proclaim Christ as Lord. Their many problems include competition over leadership and social prestige, sexual impropriety, household conflicts, idol foods, table fellowship, protocols on gender and the use of spiritual gifts, and confusion about death, immortality, and Christ's return. Oropeza addresses Paul's response to these and other issues as he engages ancient biblical, Jewish, and Greco-Roman sources along with recent scholarship. This is a must-read for those who want to understand the Corinthian situation and Paul's response in a new way.

    1–2 Thessalonians

    Nijay K. Gupta

    In the first century, the Thessalonian church grieved deaths in their community, endured harsh persecution, and struggled with questions about the future. Paul offered them the comforts and reassurances of hope in the Messiah Jesus. But he offered far more than wishful thinking or pie-in-the-sky comfort. Paul's emphasis on hope in the Messiah Jesus involved capturing a vision of God's redeemed and just future in order to see and live faithfully today. Paul did not believe in a passive hope, but an active hope where, if the Day of the Messiah is a beacon, believers set their course and diligently move toward it. That diligence is especially captured by love for Christian brothers and sisters, commitment to honest and productive work, and obedience to the truth of the gospel of Lord Messiah Jesus.

    Colossians and Philemon

    Michael F. Bird

    Michael Bird's commentary on Colossians and Philemon in the New Covenant Commentary Series pays close attention to the socio-historical context, the flow and dynamics of the text, their argumentative strategy, theological message, and the meaning of Colossians and Philemon for the contemporary church today. Bird situates Colossians in the context of Paul's Ephesian ministry and describes how Paul attempts to persuade a congregation in the Lycus Valley to remain firm in the gospel and to grasp the cosmic majesty of Jesus Christ over and against the views of certain Jewish mystics who have thrown the Colossians into confusion. He shows how, in the letter to Philemon, Paul intercedes for a slave estranged from his master through a carefully crafted feat of pastoral persuasion from a missionary friend of Philemon. The commentary combines exegetical insight, rhetorical analysis, theological exposition, and practical application all in one short volume. Bird shows Paul at work as a theologian, pastor, and missionary in his letters to the Colossians and Philemon.

    Jude and 2 Peter

    Andrew M. Mbuvi

    While there are many commentaries written today, most have been products of Euro-American scholars who have sought to address questions and concerns of the western church. The New Covenant Commentary Series (NCCS) has provided an opportunity for scholars from the non-majority communities in Biblical Studies to engage fully with NT writings without bracketing their diverse backgrounds in the interpretive process. Consequently, in Andrew Mbuvi's interpretation of Jude and 2 Peter, the author seeks to both be faithful in the first century Greco-Roman world setting of the letters while also allowing aspects of his postcolonial, African, and liberation theology interests to inform his hermeneutics. Mbuvi reads the epistles within the context of first century Greco-Roman Associations since the communities of Jude and 2 Peter seem to share significant commonalities with these groups. The Fusing Horizons sections address aspects of concern to the Church, with inclination towards issues that have occupied the church outside of the western world (the Global South), home to the majority of Christians today. Mbuvi's useful analysis shows that Jude's and 2 Peter's message remains as relevant today as when the letters were written.