It’s time to look at how to maximise examination success for your pupils and your school in a whole new way. While the examination performance of pupils can define a school’s success, schools have been less than systematic in preparing pupils to give their optimal performance. They focus too heavily on outcomes and too lightly on inputs to the learning process which influence performance. Whole school revision strategies, if they exist, are often curriculum knowledge based, and not designed to support and challenge individual pupils effectively. This book provides the research and practical insights required to radically review and remodel exam preparation provision with a view to ensuring more pupils, particularly those that are vulnerable, can perform to their potential. It explores recent knowledge acquisition and retention strategies, looks at reviewing pedagogical approaches across the curriculum, and addresses the need to work with pupils and parents in new ways. Most importantly it takes an ethical and mentally healthy approach to looking at effective exam preparation. Individual teachers or school leaders can use the book to enhance their current provision at a personal level, while headteachers can drive more radical change by implementing the strategies and approaches at a whole school level.
This book enables and supports teachers to deliver the content of the new statutory guidance for relationships and sex education in secondary schools, operational from 2020. It is case study rich and provides clear and practical advice for teaching the topics of the new framework, including addressing controversial and critical issues such as parental right to withdraw and how to tackle relationships and sex education in faith schools. There is an emphasis throughout on inclusion and pupil well-being and on the importance of partnerships with parents.