Every Cat Has A Story is an exploration of the intimacy that exists between felines and their owners. Submitted from writers throughout the world, these stories touch on the synchronicity of Universal intervention which unites a cat with their person. As you enjoy this collection of 16 stories, possibly a new perspective of your own cat’s special qualities may become evident. Your feline’s life has not gone unnoticed, for you have been a living testament to the delight and enchantment they have brought into your family. Every cat does indeed have a story, a moment and a legacy that touches their owner’s world in a significant manner. This is an intriguing, educational and entertaining collection of cat stories that you may fondly recall during those private moments shared only with your cat. About the Author: Jasmine Kinnear has been active in the world of cats for many years as a writer, Feline Behavior Consultant, registered cat breeder and cattery mentor. Her distinctive ability to think just like a cat has permitted her to assist others in better understanding their felines’ unique spiritual nature. She is now embarking on a new path and requesting others to also share their stories to honor the special people and/or pets within their own lives. Her compassion, sensitivity and understanding of the human condition lends itself to the Every Story series of books. Every Cat Has A Story is Jasmine Kinnear’s third book.