BigFoot Goes on Vacation. D. L. Miller

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Название BigFoot Goes on Vacation
Автор произведения D. L. Miller
Жанр Учебная литература
Серия BigFoot Search and Find
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781607655657

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      D. L. MILLER



      A Special Thank You

      to the wonderful folks at Fox

      Chapel Publishing for bringing

      the BigFoot Seek and Find series

      to life, especially…


      Alan Giagnocavo

      Vice President – Content:

      Christopher Reggio

      Senior Editor:

      Laura Taylor

      Managing Editor:

      Melissa Younger

      Contributing Editor:

      Jeremy Hauck

      Graphic Design:

      Kate Lanphier

      Shutterstock photos: Anatol Pietryczuk (38 top); Andrey Krupenko (31 top); Andrzej Kubik (14 top);

      Aneta Waberska (26 bottom lower inset); Australonico (19 middle left); Autumn Sky Photography

      (34 upper middle); AVA Bitter (38 middle); Benny Marty (15 bottom); Bill45 (18 middle); blvdone

      (22 middle right); Brent Hofacker (11 upper center, 11 lower center); Chris Parypa Photography (26

      middle); Christopher MacDonald (35 bottom); Damsea (19 top); Dariush M (10 top right); Darryl Brooks

      (10 middle); Dudarev Mikhail (35 upper middle); Eduard Kyslynskyy (14 mid center); Eirik Gumeny

      (31 upper middle right); Elena Yakusheva (30 bottom right); Elivagar (7 top); ER_09 (7 bottom); Gary

      L. Brewer (11 top); GERARD BOTTINO (6 bottom); gvictoria (31 mid center); Happy Stock Photo (43

      bottom); hutch photography (30 top); Innalex (30 middle right); Jag_cz (39 upper top right); Joop

      Hoek (34 top); karamysh (42 top); Kate Sfeir (35 top); kavram (22 top); Kelly vanDellen (34 bottom);

      Kenneth Sponsler (11 bottom); Kidd Silencer (43 middle); Kris Wiktor (23 middle left); Krishna Utkarsh

      Pandit (15 top); lauraslens (26 top); Leah-Anne Thompson (6 top); Liubov Usmanova (23 middle

      right); LuminatePhotos by judith (15 middle left); Macier 3 Photography (27 bottom); Manamana (39

      bottom); Marek Gucwa (14 bottom); Marina Parshina (31 bottom); Mark Agnor (19 bottom); Mark Van

      Scyoc (22 middle left); Maryna Kulchytska (27 top inset); Michelle Holihan (23 top); mrcmos (35 lower

      middle); Nagel Photography (23 bottom); nfmlk (27 top); OH_HO (30 bottom left); Oleg Chegodaev

      (6 bottom inset); Olga Visavi (19 middle right); Patino (10 top left); Pawel Kazmierczak (42 middle left);

      Perry Correll (26 bottom upper inset); Petr Bonek (38 bottom); PLRANG ART (6 top inset); Popsidoodle

      (35 bottom inset); Poznyakov (42 middle right); Ramunas Bruzas (27