A Catered Christmas. Isis Crawford

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Название A Catered Christmas
Автор произведения Isis Crawford
Жанр Ужасы и Мистика
Серия A Mystery With Recipes
Издательство Ужасы и Мистика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780758269140

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      Even with the door to the room open and the venting fan on, Bernie could still smell the faint odor of gas lingering in the air.

      “It’s off,” Eric Royal said to her. “I already checked.”

      Bernie nodded absentmindedly. She’d figured as much. Otherwise they wouldn’t be in here now. They’d be outside in the fresh air waiting for the emergency crews to come. She was suddenly aware that Libby was standing right next to her and that her complexion was a definite shade of lime green.

      Her sister pointed to Hortense’s body splayed out on the floor. Bernie studied Hortense for a moment. She was wearing a Santa Claus suit just like she said she would. Silk, Bernie judged, and tailored to within an inch of its life.

      “That could have been me,” Libby said.

      Bernie turned and looked at her. Libby was wringing her hands.

      “How do you figure that?”

      “I almost opened the oven,” Libby explained. “I wanted to.”

      It wasn’t the explosion that had killed Hortense, Bernie reflected. Or at least not directly. No. The coup de grâce had been the piece of glass that was currently sticking out of Hortense’s throat …

       Books by Isis Crawford





      Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation

      A Mystery with Recipes





All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.

      Longely is an imaginary community, as are all its inhabitants. Any resemblance to people either living or dead is pure coincidence.

      KENSINGTON BOOKS are published by

      Kensington Publishing Corp.

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      New York, NY 10022

      Copyright © 2005 by Isis Crawford

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      First Hardcover Printing: October 2005

      First Paperback Printing: October 2006

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      Books by Isis Crawford

      Christmas Eve Menu

      Chapter 1

      Chapter 2

      Chapter 3

       Chapter 8

       Chapter 9

       Chapter 10

       Chapter 11

       Chapter 12

       Chapter 13

       Chapter 14

       Chapter 15

       Chapter 16

       Chapter 17

       Chapter 18

       Chapter 19

       Chapter 20

       Chapter 21

       Chapter 22

       Chapter 23

       Chapter 24

       Chapter 25

       Chapter 26

       Chapter 27

       Chapter 28

       Chapter 29

       Chapter 30

       Chapter 31

       Chapter 32

       Chapter 33

       Chapter 34

       Chapter 35

       Chapter 36

       Chapter 1

       For Sarah and Peter Saulson, for being good friends.

       Christmas Eve Menu

      Pumpkin bisque

      Freshly baked Parker House rolls

      Capon with apple and apricot stuffing

      Brussels sprouts with chestnuts

      Green beans with toasted pine nuts

      Potatoes lyonnaise

      Buche de noel

      Assorted cookies

      Coconut and peppermint ice cream with

      chocolate sauce

      Irish coffee

       Chapter 1

      Libby looked around the TV studio. She just knew she was going to hate being on TV; she was going to hate being on the Hortense Calabash Show; she was going to hate being in this stupid contest; but most of all, she was going to hate being away from the store at Christmas time.

      “I think I’m going to throw up,” she blurted.

      Bernie considered the remark for a second. Then she pointed to her pink suede wedges. “Well, don’t do it on these. I just got them.”

      “You’re a veritable fountain of compassion,” Libby told her sister as she gestured toward one of the