Beloved Beast. Karyn Gerrard

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Название Beloved Beast
Автор произведения Karyn Gerrard
Жанр Исторические любовные романы
Серия The Ravenswood Chronicles
Издательство Исторические любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781601836601

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      Cover Copy

      If a man can live forever . . .

      A lifetime ago, the debauched Viscount Ravenswood lost his life, only to be revived as a new man with a new name . . .and a new desire for love. Now, scarred and monstrous of visage, Luke Madden has outlived his beloved wife. Crushed by loss and despair, he swears to never feel such a love again. For such a perfect mingling of souls could never happen twice in one lifetime. Especially for a beast such as Luke

      believes himself to be . . .

      . . . how can he love forever?

      Gillian Browning is a bold woman of action. But her spy activities in pre-war Germany have made her a target. Now in London, she is being hunted by ruthless Nazi operatives. Luckily, a fellow spy knows someone who can protect her—Luke. Taking Gillian to his former home in the country, he reluctantly finds himself caring for her more than he thought possible, and to his surprise she reciprocates. But when a threat from Luke’s own past increases their peril, he must decide if he has the true strength to love—and trust—again . . .

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      Books by Karyn Gerrard

      The Hornsby Brothers

      Bold Seduction

      The Vicar’s Frozen Heart

      The Ravenswood Chronicles

      Beloved Monster

      Beloved Beast

      Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation

      Beloved Beast

      The Ravenswood Chronicles

      Karyn Gerrard



      Kensington Publishing Corp.


      Lyrical Press books are published by

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      Copyright © 2016 by Karyn Gerrard

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      First Electronic Edition: February 2017

      eISBN-13: 978-1-60183-660-1

      eISBN-10: 1-60183-660-0

      First Print Edition: February 2017

      ISBN-13: 978-1-60183-662-5

      ISBN-10: 1-60183-662-7

      Printed in the United States of America


      To my ancestors who lived and/or fought during World War II, particularly my late great-uncle, Donald Lewis Evans, of the Royal Canadian Navy Volunteer Reserve, who made the ultimate sacrifice May 23, 1944.

      Also to my late father, whom I miss every day. You would have liked this story, Dad.


      Although I love historicals, I have never written one set in the 20th century. World War II England presented some challenges. Many thanks to my teacher husband and his passion for history as he assisted me every step of the way.

      I also wish to thank Kensington Publishing for contracting The Ravenswood Chronicles, and again thanks to my editor, Amanda Siemen.

      Herman Hupfeld Lyrics

      You must remember this. A kiss is just a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh. The fundamental things apply—as time goes by.

      -“As Time Goes By,” song lyrics by Herman Hupfeld


      From the Journal of Luke Madden, Lighthouse keeper

      Trevose Head Lighthouse, Cornwall

      September 18, 1932

      A broken heart has prompted my entry today. I’ve lost my beloved wife, Glenna. Though our parting was inevitable, I did not expect to lose her from a hurricane’s storm surge. To have her literally torn from my arms is more than I can bear.

      How cruel is fate? In 1895, I died in a carriage race. Beyond all comprehension and science, I was allowed to live again thanks to Reed Parker, Glenna’s cousin. For in my previous incarnation as Lucas Madden, Viscount Ravenswood, I lived for selfish means consisting of one debauched incident after another. Many were glad of my passing. My own father did not mourn me.

      I was reborn, reanimated, the horrific result of an experiment that should not have been successful. I thrived. Though alive, I am not in the strictest sense of the word—human. I am something beyond. Deep within, I am no longer an egocentric being, though physically many consider me a monster. The true monster was Ravenswood, who perished and eventually became Luke Madden, a lighthouse keeper in Cornwall.

      Glenna did not mind I outwardly carried the scars of my previous life. She loved me with the whole of her generous heart. We shared thirty-seven devoted years together, living a quiet, solitary life. I had hoped we would be granted at least twenty more, but as I stated, fate is cruel, for while Glenna aged, I did not.

      Now I must continue on without her giving, warm nature and unconditional love to sustain me. I am leaving this light keeper life behind. Lucas Madden will cease to exist. As tempting as it may be to cloister myself away for however long a subsistence I must endure, I promised Glenna more than once I would not hide from life. Or love.

      But I have had my happy ending. I’ve known passion, desire, and companionship. Deep down I understand I will never experience such again. For who else could love a beast?

      Chapter 1


      March, 1943

      Luke Newman shifted his 1939 Triumph Twelve into third gear as he rounded the corner heading for the Riddlesdown area and a visit he was not looking forward to. Professor Reed Parker’s health was failing, and his son, Fred—Luke’s nephew—made the not-so-subtle suggestion if he wanted to see him once more, this would be the chance to do it. At age eighty-nine, Reed had lived a long, full life, and his