Paranormal Romance Series

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    Hellfire Saga

    Third Cousins

    "Lucy has always known that she was different from the other kids in her home. Of course, it doesn’t help that she suffers from a recurring nightmare that wakes her up with a scream on her lips and sweat pouring down her back. The nightmare is driving her crazy. She’s too scared to sleep, she’s too tired to live and she feels as though it’s never going to get better…until Daniel shows up, that is. Daniel knows why Lucy is suffering from nightmares. He knows that it’s because of the memories that she has locked away inside her mind. He knows this because he’s the one who locked them there. When Lucy gets in trouble and he puts the word out about her disappearance, he unknowingly starts a chain reaction that puts her in more danger than she has ever been in before. What will he do when his own brothers go up against him, and will he be able to save Lucy before it’s too late?"
    Follow Lucy and Daniel in this thrilling Saga!

    Hellfire - How It Ends

    Third Cousins

    It’s the beginning of the end. The war is impending and there seems to be nothing that can be done to stop it. Daniel is offered a choice that he seems unable to avoid making, but he’s got other plans that Gabriel could never have foreseen. When the fight breaks out, someone is hurt in the crossfire. That person is then given a choice. A choice between getting to do it all over again or being with the person she loves. Can there be a happily ever after for Daniel and Lucy, or will they always be torn apart?

    Hellfire - When The War Begins

    Third Cousins

    Lucy is finally back with Daniel, but for how long? When she has a dream about Caleb being seriously hurt, she knows that she must do what she can to help him. She gets Caleb back to the motel where she and Daniel are staying, but something isn’t right. When Caleb pushes Lucy for answers, she finds herself in an impossible position with far too much to lose. Daniel knows that Gabriel is getting ready for the war. He knows that Gabriel is going to do everything in his power to ensure that Daniel doesn’t get his happily ever after. This isn’t even about going home any more. Daniel doesn’t care about that. All he cares about is making sure that Lucy survives. But can he defeat the forces ranged against her—and against him?

    Hellfire - What She Lost

    Third Cousins

    Lucy knows that she’s in trouble. She knows that once Gabriel has the information that he needs, he is going to kill her. She knows that holding on to the information is the only thing keeping her alive. But as Gabriel ramps up the torture is being alive really such a great thing anymore? Gabriel doesn’t know who he can trust. He knows that Caleb is probably the only one of his brothers who can help him break into Lucy’s mind, but he has his doubts about Caleb. When desperation kicks in, he agrees to let Caleb help. But what will be the cost?

    Hellfire - What She Remembers

    Third Cousins

    Lucy remembers everything. She remembers the moment she was born. She remembers how she was born and she remembers what that makes her. Gabriel has managed to unlock her memories and now she can’t escape them as they play out inside her eyes. She’s finally getting some answers to the questions that have plagued her life, but will they be what she wanted them to be? Daniel wasn’t always called Daniel. In fact, he didn’t take that name until he made a decision that he knew he would regret for eternity. What forced him to change his name and what was the choice that led him to it?

    Hellfire - What She Feels Inside

    Third Cousins

    Lucy knows there is something wrong with the psychiatric home she’s been taken to. She’s noticed that she seems to be the only patient there. She’s noticed all of the empty rooms and the fact that every door to the outside world is locked. She’s also noticed how strangely her doctor is acting. It’s as if he’s pushing her for information—but information about what? Gabriel knows that all the answers are in Lucy’s head, but she’s refusing to find them for him. He’s trying to keep calm. He’s trying to give her time, so that she can discover her memories on her own. But when she starts to cause trouble he knows that there’s only one thing he can do. Will Lucy survive Gabriel’s desperate attempt to get the answers?

    Hellfire - What She Doesn't Know

    Third Cousins

    Lucy has always known that she was different from the other kids in her home. Of course, it doesn’t help that she suffers from a recurring nightmare that wakes her up with a scream on her lips and sweat pouring down her back. The nightmare is driving her crazy. She’s too scared to sleep, she’s too tired to live and she feels as though it’s never going to get better…until Daniel shows up, that is. Daniel knows why Lucy is suffering from nightmares. He knows that it’s because of the memories that she has locked away inside her mind. He knows this because he’s the one who locked them there. When Lucy gets in trouble and he puts the word out about her disappearance, he unknowingly starts a chain reaction that puts her in more danger than she has ever been in before. What will he do when his own brothers go up against him, and will he be able to save Lucy before it’s too late?