The Delphic Women

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    Kerry Greenwood

    'My sandals were made to glide over the marble floor of the Palace of Mycenae, not to walk the road like a common market trader. Of course, as a princess, I was unused to walking. Only female slaves and whore are seen in public. Only female slaves and whores walk…' Electra is the final book in The Delphic Women trilogy. Electra is forced to flee her home after witnessing the shocking murder of her father, Agamemnon. But life outside the palace walls is frightening. The free and easy ways of her foreign companions disturb her – especially the scandalous relationship between the Trojan woman, Cassandra, and the two men – but she needs their help to survive. Along the way, Electra's travels – driven by a burning desire for revenge – become a different kind of journey. Electra evokes the dark perils and pleasures of the ancient world with a contemporary sensual intensity.


    Kerry Greenwood

    Cassandra is the second in the Delphic Women trilogy.<br /> <br />Doomed, magnificent Troy is burning…<br /> <br />Cassandra, the golden-haired princess cursed with the gift of prophecy, and Diomenes, the Achaean with the healing hands, become puppets of the gods.<br /> <br />Their passions are thwarted, their loves betrayed, their gifts rendered useless for the sake of a wager between two immortals.<br /> <br />Will Cassandra and Diomenes find each other in the light of the burning city?<br /> <br />And, if they do, can their love survive the machinations of malicious gods and men?<br /> <br />The Delphic Women trilogy: Medea, Cassandra and Electra.


    Kerry Greenwood

    Sorceress, Princess of Colchis, Securer of the Golden Fleece.<br /> <br />Her very name is a byword for infamy.<br /> <br />Legend has it that she murdered her own children for revenge.<br /> <br />But love in Ancient Greece was often a dangerous game; and legends are not always what they seem.<br /> <br />Medea, devoted wife of Jason, was also a loving mother, a loyal friend of Herakles and a brave adventurer with the Argonauts.<br /> <br />A woman both betrayer and betrayed, the real story of Medea is strange, sensual and heroic.<br /> <br />Medea – first in the Delphic Women trilogy – followed by Cassandra and Electra