Things That Go

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    Things That Go - Boats Edition

    Baby Professor

    There is a need to capture a child's attention using appropriate themes just to get him/her to go over a book. Young children are at the peak of language development, and picture books would stimulate that part of the brain. The verbal and visual nature of the book will prove to be more than enough to secure adequate brain development. Buy a copy now!

    Things That Go - Planes Edition

    Baby Professor

    What is that you see in the sky? Planes! Whether they are passenger or cargo planes, they never fail to fill a child's mind with wonder. How do they fly? Where will they land? With this picture book, you are giving your child the power to discover the answers to these common questions. Don't forget to order a copy today!

    Things That Go - Trains Edition

    Baby Professor

    Trains are the cluggity-clugs that you see racing down the tracks. Do you know all there is to know about these wheelers? If not, turn the pages of this book and start learning! Picture books are highly effective at breaking down facts to make them appealing for young children. It is a great resource to use when introducing complex scenarios early in life. Order your copy today!

    Things That Go - Buses Edition

    Baby Professor

    Enjoy the sound of buses racing along the highway through this ingenious multi-sensory tool. When a child goes over picture books, he sees with his eyes, listens with his eyes, smells the pages with his nose and touches them with his hands. It's a multi-sensory experience that makes complex concepts become simpler. Buy a copy today!