Animal Encyclopedia For Children

Скачать книги из серии Animal Encyclopedia For Children

    The Monkey Kingdom (Species of Monkeys) : 3rd Grade Science Series

    Baby Professor

    Monkeys are fascinating creatures in the sense that they have several familiar characteristics. The theory of evolution even states that we evolved from them. Learning about monkeys will help a child better understand Darwin's theory, and decide whether he/she would believe in it or not. Colorful and well-formatted, this educational book is definitely a must-have!

    Venomous Animals of The World : Third Grade Science Series

    Baby Professor

    Stay clear from these animals! Your child will find this educational book extremely interesting. Within the pages are features of animals that contain venom, a powerful toxin that may cause death. Treat this as a more effective warning because children can actually see the animals in full-color, and learn about the danger they bring too. This is the perfect complement to the all-text books at school.

    Let's Explore the Jungle

    Baby Professor

    Are you ready to meet the different animals living in the jungle? Turn the pages of this picture book to get to know them! The importance of this book is in line with raising awareness on what the jungle is and why it is vital to many wildlife. Your child will definitely love learning from this book, so grab a copy today!