Children's Earthquake & Volcano Books

Скачать книги из серии Children's Earthquake & Volcano Books

    Third Grade Geography: Earthquakes and Volcanoes

    Baby Professor

    Do you know why the ground shake during earthquakes and volcanoes erupt? Hurry up and open the pages of this book to reveal their secrets! This big book of geography is perfect for the young minds of your third grade. Using select text and powerful images, this educational book is definitely a must-have! Grab a copy now!

    Volcanoes - Why Do They Happen?

    Baby Professor

    Why do volcanoes go «ka-boom!»? This unique approach to vulcanology is highly inspiring to young children. The use of carefully selected images only help in driving home certain points of discussion. This is a picture book that your child will definitely love and learn the most from. Don't forget to grab a copy today!

    Volcanoes & Earthquakes, What & Why? : 2nd Grade Science Series

    Baby Professor

    Why do volcanoes and earthquakes happen? Is Earth throwing a tantrum? Let your child decode the answers for these on his/her own through this interactive educational book. Composed of pictures that allow for the understanding of geology and vulcanology, this is a great resource that would complement the heavy school textbooks. Grab a copy now!