Children's Earth Sciences Books

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    3rd Grade Geography: Why Does it Rain?

    Baby Professor

    Get easy-to-understand on why it rains and how it affects the world. The use of pictures allows a better understanding of concepts because they are effectively broken down into bits and pieces. This format encourages love for learning too! It is recommended that you use this book to complement your child's textbooks to allow knowledge to truly sink in. Order a copy today!

    Light is Everywhere: Sources of Light and Its Uses (For Early Learners)

    Baby Professor

    Light awakens a child's curious self. But you can turn that mere curiosity into an enchanting educational experience through this fact-filled picture book. Explained meticulously in the pages of this book are the different light sources and what their uses are. The fun thing is, information is presented in a format of more picture and less words so it's easy for children to break down and understand.

    Mother Earth's Beauty: Types of Landforms Around Us (For Early Learners)

    Baby Professor

    Did you know that there the Earth is home to so many kinds of landforms? This exciting book will take you to the deepest valleys and the highest mountains in just a few minutes. Here, you will learn about the differences between hill and mountains, and possibly figure out what landform you love best. Grab a copy today!

    Water, Water Everywhere, What & Why? : Third Grade Science Books Series

    Baby Professor

    Complement your child's official textbook with this attractive piece of educational material. This book is complete with pictures and as few texts as possible. This would allow for a universal understanding of the concepts presented therein. The fluid flow of thoughts, along with supporting images will make learning a fun experience for your children. Grab a copy today!

    Natural Disasters, What & Why? : 1st Grade Geography Series

    Baby Professor

    Natural disasters happen, and that's a fact. But does your child truly understand why they take place? It's not always easy to explain disasters by telling a child about it. Words are not enough, pictures are required to visualize. That is why this educational book capitalizes on learning through visuals. It is complete with more colors and less text. Grab a copy now!