Children's American History Books

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    2nd Grade US History: Native Americans to Early Settlers

    Baby Professor

    Why is it important to know who the early settlers were? To trace our culture and traditions, of course! This educational book presents what would otherwise be a boring subject for young children. The use of pictures creates a definite scenario that would stick to the memory well. So if you're looking for a more effective method of teaching history, this book is what you need!

    1st Grade American History: Early Pilgrims of America

    Baby Professor

    Did you know that children are more photographic than they are textual? Science says so; therefore, it important to use the right resources that would tap their interest. With that, a good tool to use when teaching about history is a picture book. Picture books illustrate what words fail to create pictures. They are engaging and are a highly relaxing approach to learning. Buy a copy today!

    First Grade Us History: The First Americans

    Baby Professor

    First graders use their imaginations a lot so it's best to introduce visual learning. This book is a complement to your child's traditional school textbook. Since it is composed of bold images laid out in an easy-to-understand format, it will definitely attract and keep the attention. Don't forget to grab a copy of this book today!

    1st Grade United States History: Early American Settlers

    Baby Professor

    Learning American history is more effective if done via pictures. Children are attracted to the vibrant colors of meaningful pictures. It's easier to imagine previous events when there are pictures to look at. This educational book also makes it easier to communicate with descriptive words to relay drawn messages. Grab a copy of this informative book today!