London Prize presents

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    Metamorphosis. A story of one night

    Varis Yolchiyev

    On December 31, when only some hours were left to the New Year the police patrols who were on night shift took anybody whom they doubted to the police department. The people who were caught by the police belonged to different age, sex and groups. A woman who had been forgotten by her relatives… A wan who got the wound of love.. Another man who couldn’t find his place in life.. A young guy who was the victim of false love.. A young girl who was deceived for her naivety. Though they belong to different age, to different groups of the society, there is one thing that unites them: GRIEF… All of them are chased by the society, but none of them broke the law. Different from the others they are sure that a new truth is the child of the old lie. And they made up mind to gather all sorrowful people around them. Let them share their grief which they can’t bear when they are lonely.

    The Most Russian Person

    Владимир Шатакишвили

    The generation that matured in the thirties of the last century fell on unprecedented ups and upheavals. All of them passed through the heart of Ivan Nikiforovich Medyanik. New cities are associated with his name: Ozersk in the Urals and Lermontov in the Caucasus. Whoever he has not been in his life: a blacksmith, tinker, driver, tractor driver, tankman, pilot, battalion commander, and senior manager who performed important tasks of the government. When many documents were declassified today, it became known that I.N. Medyanik is involved in those who created the country's nuclear shield. “The Most Russian Person” is one of the documentary stories of V. A. Shatakishvili, dedicated to famous people, participants and creators of history, people of amazing fate, whose meetings gave him life. Shatakishvili is objective and at the same time delicate, he speaks with enthusiasm and interest. His work is full of wisdom and joy, in a simple and an engaging way it conveys to the reader the impressions of the author and with them – the realities of the old, already unfamiliar life.

    Пламя и тень / Flame and shadow

    Сара Тисдейл

    Poems of the Pulitzer Prize winner, American poetess Sara Tisdale (1884–1933) began to be translated into Russian only at the beginning of the XXI century. This book includes translations of all the poems from her poetry collection «Flame and Shadow», released in 1920, and also several poems from other books. Sara Tisdale's poetry attracts by its simplicity, depth of thought, sincerity, openness, passionate and romantic plot. I hope that the readers, who have not yet been familiar with the subtle lyrics of this wonderful author, will find here many frank and tender words consonant with their emotions and world perception. Enjoy reading!

    Very bad English / Очень плохой English

    Яна Варшавская

    The novel is structured in a way that each chapter breaks one of prevailing stereotypes that seem to be enduring… The story revolves around an unusual letter received by one of twin sisters. Like a trigger, this letter launches a mechanism of fastpaced reality so stable that only a desperate adventurer could move it to action… Роман выстроен таким образом, что в каждой главе автор ломает один из сложившихся стереотипов, которые вроде бы незыблемы. История закручивается вокруг необычного письма, которое получила одна из сестёр-близнецов. Письмо, как спусковой крючок, приводит в действие механизм быстро меняющейся действительности, повседневности, которая так устоялась, что, казалось бы, раскачать её по силам только самому отчаянному авантюристу…

    My Thoughts aloud and key Issues / Краткие мысли вслух и высказывания автора

    Сария Маммадова

    Автор представляет на читательский суд свои мысли, высказывания, определяющие миссию человека в земной жизни, дает своё видение главных аспектов формирования человека. Сделаны попытки доказать, что наша жизнь всецело зависит от нас самих, от того, каковы мы по натуре, от нашего понимания предназначения человека, его помыслов и поступков, характера, дарований. Важно также желание непрерывно совершенствоваться, преодолевать и побеждать. Автор призывает глубже вникать в законы созидания, ценить общечеловеческие, ценности, быть далекими от суеты, не забывать о главном и Вечном.

    Calming the Storm

    Протоиерей Олег Штельман

    This book represents an author’s collection. Touching, sad, and faith-filled poetry will help the readers to think deep over eternal, joyful, and beautiful matters. The people who came to God became the prototype characters of the poetry. They live, rejoice, suffer, and still remain human. The rhyme of the verses is correct, well-adjusted, thus reading is not only bringing pleasure, but also makes one think of many things: about life and death, good and evil, the faith and human values.

    Try living in Russia

    Саша Кругосветов

    The autobiographical prose of the talented writer who uses the pseudonym Sasha Krugosvetov is aimed at the widest possible audience. The author talks about those events he happened to witness and be part of, as well as about others of which he knows from tales and stories, and about the people whose actions and fates left a trace in the history of the last decades…